This article explores the causes and symptoms of the fear of wooded areas. It also discusses some of the available treatments and the impact that this fear can have if left untreated.


Symptoms of xylophobia are similar to those of other specific phobias. People may experience a variety of physical and psychological symptoms when they think about or encounter wooded areas. Some of the physical signs of xylophobia include:

Chest painChillsDizzinessNauseaRapid heart rateShortness of breathTremblingSweating

People also experience intense feelings of anxiety and distress. In some instances, this fear may be so great that they have a panic attack. A panic attack may be accompanied by feelings of unreality and a sense that they are dying. 


For people who live in urban areas and who rarely encounter wooded areas, xylophobia might not have much of an impact on their life. For those who live in more rural locations, this fear can have a more serious impact on their life. If a fear of the woods interferes with a person’s ability to function normally, it can cause significant impairments in their life. They may struggle to go to their job if they must drive past a wooded area. Or they may avoid social situations if they are located in areas near the wooded areas. As a result, xylophobia can potentially cause a person to avoid leaving their home due to their extreme fear. This can contribute to feelings of loneliness and social isolation.


Xylophobia is not a distinct condition listed in the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition,” often referred to as the DSM-5. The DSM-5 is the manual that healthcare providers use to diagnose mental health conditions.  If a person’s symptoms meet certain diagnostic criteria, they would be diagnosed with a specific phobia. A specific phobia is characterized by:

Extreme and unreasonable fearSymptoms of anxietyAvoidance of the feared object or situation or enduring it with extreme distress

To be diagnosed with a specific phobia, these symptoms must cause limitations in important areas of life, such as making it difficult to function at home, work, or school. Symptoms also need to be present for at least six months and not better explained by another mental disorder. A healthcare provider will ask questions about a person’s symptoms and take a medical history. They may also order lab tests and conduct a physical exam in order to rule out medical conditions that might be contributing to feelings of anxiety.


The exact causes of xylophobia are not known, but a number of different factors may play a role. Genetics, family history, and experiences are all believed to contribute to the development and onset of specific phobias. Having a close relative with a phobia or other anxiety condition increases a person’s risk of also developing a phobia. A traumatic experience related to the woods may also lead to the onset of the condition.

Rational Fears

Some people are not afraid of the woods, but of entering them due to real or perceived dangers. For example:

People with certain medical conditions may worry that they will be unable to contact a rescuer if they become ill or injured when hiking alone. Those who feel vulnerable, such as some women and children, may worry about being attacked by a human. Those who live in areas known for attacks by bears or other animals may be concerned about coming into contact with a dangerous animal.

Animal Phobias

Although it is normal to be concerned about animal attacks in some areas, those with animal phobias typically have an elevated level of fear that is disproportionate to the situation. In addition, some people fear woodland creatures that pose little danger to humans. Animal phobias often heighten the fear of the woods and, in some cases, are the underlying cause of xylophobia.

Fear of the Dark

Some cases of xylophobia are rooted in a fear of the dark. Heavily wooded areas are relatively dark all day long, with tall trees casting shadows on paths. Like animal phobias, the fear of the dark may worsen an existing fear of the woods or even be the primary cause of that fear.

Fear of the Unknown

For some people, a fear of the woods is based on a fear of the unknown. Modern society provides few opportunities to experience nature, so people who have always lived in urban areas may not be acclimated to being in wooded areas. Unusual sights, sounds, smells, and textures may make people feel wary or off-balance. Wooded areas may be loud with animal noises or eerily silent. Wild plants often look far different than houseplants. Even walking through grass, mud or dirt feels far different than walking on a paved road or sidewalk.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the gold standard in the treatment of specific phobias such as xylophobia. CBT focuses on helping people recognize the negative thoughts that contribute to feelings of fear. Once identified, people can work on replacing those thoughts with more helpful and realistic ones. Exposure therapy is a form of CBT that is frequently used to help minimize feelings of fear. When used to treat a fear of the woods, a person would be slowly exposed to increasingly more triggering variations of their fear while they also use relaxation techniques to calm their mind and body. Eventually, they are less likely to experience fear reactions when they encounter wooded areas.  While psychotherapy is the first-line approach for treating phobias, healthcare providers sometimes prescribe medications to help people cope with acute symptoms. Medication tends to be most effective when combined with psychotherapy.

Prognosis & Prevention

There is no specific way to avoid the development of xylophobia. Taking steps to address fears when they appear can prevent the condition from worsening. 


For a relatively mild fear, knowledge and exposure may be enough to combat the anxiety. Before you head out into a wooded area, research the area in which you will hike or camp well in advance. Learn to recognize common plants and animals, plot out a route, and carry a good map and reliable GPS unit. Make an emergency plan and always let someone know where you are going and when you will return. Take supplies you will need including water, food, and a first aid kit. Consider carrying a personal locator beacon (PLB) that can send a message to rescue agencies with your location if necessary Consider seeking professional help if symptoms become severe. Like all phobias, xylophobia responds well to a variety of treatment methods. Untreated, however, the fear may worsen over time, and even lead to additional phobias, such as agoraphobia. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.