While important emotions need to be discussed, it’s not always easy to express them out, especially when it’s something as difficult as saying “I don’t love you.” Experiencing unrequited love can be a painful, heartbreaking, and sometimes embarrassing situation to live with. In some cases, you might be the recipient of genuine love but struggle with communicating that you do not feel as strongly. Other times, you may feel the beginnings of strong emotions towards a person. However, a little more time may be needed to confirm your feelings, before saying those three words back. Read on to learn how to navigate different instances where love isn’t shared by all involved.

When You Are No Longer in Love With a Person

At the height of a relationship, it’s hard to imagine life with anybody else. Their laughs bring you joy, their pain is a shared ordeal, and your every moment seems dedicated to knowing this person more intimately. However, these feelings are not always sustained or may appear to have less intensity over time. In such cases, it may not always mean that you have lost interest in your partner. Neither is this a certain indicator that love is lost in the relationship. It could simply mean that the relationship has entered a rut and could benefit from a renewed spark. To communicate to your partner that you no longer love them, the following are advisable steps to take.

Be Sure of What You Want to Do

Before looking to tell a partner, or love interest that you no longer love them, this decision should be made only after careful consideration. However, this changes where there is a breakdown of communication or your attitude towards them has changed significantly. Where you are no longer concerned about your partner’s activities, or if your interests lie elsewhere—this can mean you are no longer in love.

Speak to Them First About the Change in Feelings

Despite many hopes of experiencing love at first sight, romantic feelings tend to build over time. In the same vein, these feelings are unlikely to turn off overnight. This means taking the time to speak about the changes in your feelings, or how you view the relationship.  This extra effort can help to revive the relationship. Likewise, this choice of action may be preferred over denying love at the first sign of trouble.

Communicate Your Feelings Kindly

After thinking deeply and communicating concerns with your partner, dissatisfaction with your relationship may remain. In this case, where you are certain of having no romantic connection left, your significant other should be informed. To do this, your choice should be shared gently and with the utmost respect for the person you once held strong feelings for. They should be permitted to ask questions and speak openly about their feelings.

When You Have No Feelings For Them

An “I love you” from the right person can be amazing to hear. However, despite how flattering it might be to hear those words, there are times when they come from a person you have no feelings for. This is especially true when said person is someone you have little chance of experiencing romantic feelings for.  In such cases, it might be best to cut the cord quickly before feelings grow even deeper. This can be achieved in three simple steps.


When looking to turn down a person’s romantic confession, a key thing to remember is kindness. This can be achieved by showing appreciation for how they view you, and their feelings towards you.  Appreciation should be shown with sincerity and an understanding of how difficult the next few statements might be to them.


While looking to let an admirer down gently, another move to make is praise for their positive attributes. A compliment on their appearance, brains and other features may be useful in giving assurance of their desirability. This should however be done in moderation, and with respect.

The Turndown

After showing appreciation and giving modest praise, the next step is a gentle rejection of their feelings. Honesty is always advisable and may be achieved by simply saying you do not feel the same way towards them.  Speak clearly, and above all, with compassion when passing the message across. It also may be a good idea to distance yourself from them for a bit so they don’t get the wrong idea about your feelings for them. Also, on the flip side, if the person does not react well or engages in any form of abuse because you do not reciprocate their feelings, you have every right to end the relationship completely and remove yourself.

When You Are Just Learning to Love Them

Sometimes, you meet a person and connect with them on a special level. In these cases, the possibility of falling in love with them might not seem too far off. However, this doesn’t stop you from choosing to wait before making your feelings known. Your delay may be to avoid making any missteps.  Unfortunately, this may not be the case for them. The strength of their feelings can cause an early reveal of feelings for you. Where a person does this and you don’t feel the same way just yet, simply communicating this may not be enough to manage the situation. Begin by letting them know that you enjoy their company, and have grown fond of them. Acknowledge and appreciate their feelings, recognizing the features you admire most about them. Because it’s easy for this conversation to sound like a gentle rejection, make it known that there should come a time when you say those words back. You simply want to enjoy the process of falling in love with them, without jeopardizing things by moving too quickly.

A Word From Verywell

Love can be a tricky feeling, especially when it is unrequited. Breaking the news that you are not in love with a person can be hard, as considerable pain may result. While standing firm in your choice is important, this message should always be conveyed with kindness and respect.