These conditions, which have devastating effects on a community, can cause short- and long-term effects on people’s mental health. This article explores why this happens, which conditions are most frequently associated with weather-related events, and how you can protect your mental health amidst climate crises.

Facing the Persistent Threat of Extreme Weather Conditions

Knowing the grim effects of climate change, some people are experiencing climate change anxiety (CCA) or “eco-anxiety,” which is a negative cognitive, emotional, or behavioral response to climate change. This feeling of helplessness is most often felt by younger adults, but anyone is susceptible to it.  Globally, we’re experiencing more weather-related disasters than ever before. In the United States, there have been 20 different extreme weather events in 2021, from a wildfire and drought to severe storms and tropical cyclones, all of which impacted 1 in 10 households. Extreme weather events are anxiety-inducing for many reasons. Your physical safety is put in danger. You may have to leave your home and community behind. You may lose power or water. Your car or home may be destroyed. These scenarios could leave you without water, shelter, heat or air conditioning, all of which are needed for survival.  Weather-related disasters can also impact your finances, employment status, or access to medical care, social services, and community resources, which is why extreme weather events, like hurricanes and wildfires, activate the fight-or-flight response in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and pose a significant threat to mental health.  While we need this emotional response to protect ourselves, especially in dangerous situations, sometimes it can feel paralyzing and actually prevent us from problem-solving and taking appropriate action.

“Any situation that threatens the predictability and safety of our surroundings likely evokes a trauma response. To what extent and in what fashion is often quite individual, emerging from the particular person’s history, coping style, and even culture,” says Norman Blumenthal, Ph.D, Director of Trauma, Bereavement and Crisis Intervention at OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services.  When weather-related disasters strike, businesses are flooded, power lines are broken, and homes are destroyed, forcing people to evacuate, find new housing, or move out of the city they call “home.” Some end up living in unsafe housing conditions or become homeless, often without the resources or support needed to rebuild in the aftermath of an extreme weather event. Extreme weather events can also interfere with access to services like mental or behavioral health care, which exacerbates the severity of mental health symptoms, Ling Lam, PhD, MFT, licensed psychotherapist and executive coach, explains.  People with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to face hardship, as they may lose jobs, not have the resources to fix damaged homes, access food sources or transportation, or afford health or mental healthcare.

Mental Health Disorders Associated With Extreme Weather Events

While mental health issues can develop from an extreme weather event, the norm is resilience and coping, says Dr. Blumenthal. Following an extreme weather event, it’s important to seek or accept mental health services and treatment if you’re experiencing any overwhelming mental health symptoms, such as:

Difficulty sleeping Feelings of nervousness or unease Difficulty concentrating Persistent feelings of sadness Disruptions in daily life due to prolonged stress, anxiety, or worry Nightmares Recurrent distressing memories of the event Feeling in danger/on edge Irritability Aggressive behavior Avoiding reminders of the event Overwhelming guilt or shame

Some of the most common mental health disorders associated with extreme weather include:

General anxiety disorder (GAD) Major depressive disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Substance use disorder (SUD)

“People who are struggling with mental health issues generally have reduced coping capacity and the added stressors could tip the scale and overwhelm them resulting in arousal dysregulation,” says Dr. Liam.

A Word From Verywell

With climate change, we’re bound to experience more extreme weather events. Knowing this, you’ll want to prepare yourself for the possibility of weather-related disasters, which could include floods, heat waves, or tornadoes. You can focus on making environmentally-friendly choices in your day to day, building an emergency response for your household, compiling a list of local community services, and meeting with a therapist or mental health professional to learn new coping strategies. When extreme weather hits, do your best to stay calm. Recognize what’s outside of your control and stay focused on your physical safety and mental health. If you live alone, reach out to neighbors or community members for support. It’s important to understand that you’re not alone in your experience.