History of Gender Expression

What is “normal” for gender expression changes with time. For example, when we think of high heels in our current society, we consider them to be women’s clothing. It is outside of cisgender male expression to wear high heels. However, high heels were first worn by men who continued to wear them through Victorian times. Similarly, in Elizabethan and Victorian England, wigs were as common for men, if not more so, than they were for women. How we express gender changes over time. The term “gender expansive” was coined by the Human Rights Coalition after they conducted a survey in 2012 of more than 100,000 LGBTQIA+ youth. They said that they used the term “to classify youth who did not identify with traditional gender roles but were otherwise not confined to one gender narrative or experience.” The term has continued to be used in our culture in relation to both children and adults.

How Gender Expansiveness Can Manifest

Any way that a person expresses themself that doesn’t fall in lines with what society sees as the “correct” expression of their gender can be considered gender expansive. These are some of the most common ways that gender expansiveness manifests.


When you enter a clothing store, you’ll see different sections for men’s and women’s clothing and separate sections for boys’ and girls’ clothes. Anyone who wears clothing not aligned with their perceived gender may be considered gender expansive. In children, gender expansiveness through clothing might look like a child wanting to wear day-to-day clothes or costumes typically prescribed for a different gender. A boy might insist on being a Disney princess for Halloween, or he might enjoy wearing girl’s dresses. As with all forms of expression, this might be the case temporarily or permanently.


With the exception of makeup designed to cover facial flaws, makeup is considered an accessory for women in our current society. However, some men like to wear makeup, too. For example, James Charles became famous for his YouTube makeup tutorials. He was one of the first men to wear makeup publicly and taught about it proudly, also showing others how to do his complex designs.

Identity and Fluidity

Gender expansiveness isn’t an identity itself, but expansiveness can be an important step for people who are discovering their gender identity. A person might change their pronouns as one part of being gender expansive and exploring their identity. Or they might change their first name to one that is gender neutral or typically ascribed to a different gender.

Benefits of Gender Expansiveness

Often, people who feel freer to be themselves feel happier than those who feel like they have to conform to societal standards. Therefore, the biggest benefit of being gender expansive could be feeling free enough to be experimental in one’s own expression. Another benefit of gender expansiveness is the ability to feel like you are able to try new things. Without necessarily having to subscribe to societal definitions of what is “right” for your gender. You are free to be fluid in how you express yourself, no matter what people might think.

Challenges of Gender Expansiveness

Unfortunately, many people are highly judgmental about what others do with their bodies. Being gender expansive can lead to judgment from others, which could involve harassment or bullying. For example, people who dress outside gender norms often get called terrible names by others for not conforming well enough to society’s standards.

How to Support Gender-Expansive People

The best thing you can do to support someone who is gender expansive is not to make assumptions about them. A man in a skirt does not necessarily identify as a woman, and a little girl in a Superman costume isn’t necessarily identified as a boy. Don’t presume people’s gender or pronouns before they tell you about them. Additionally, it’s important to ask appropriate questions to others. You wouldn’t want a stranger to ask you invasive, personal questions and the same applies to them. For friends and acquaintances, you likely wouldn’t want to have to explain concepts that are easy to Google.

A Word From Verywell

If you have considered becoming more expansive in your gender expression, you are far from alone! It may be the start of a gender-related journey for you, or you may enjoy some expressive forms that don’t align with what society presently says are “right” for your gender. Know that your choices are valid, and you can express yourself in any manner that makes you feel the most “you.” It doesn’t have to mean anything, and it’s okay if it does, too.