However, you may receive the message “Call Declined” while using the app during а voice or video call. You’re in the right place if you’re wondering what this message means and why you might be seeing it. 

What does “Call Declined” mean on WhatsApp?

So, what does “Call Declined” mean on WhatsApp? Essentially, it means that the recipient did not accept the incoming call. This could be due to various reasons, such as the recipient being busy on another call, having their phone on silent оr do not disturb mode, or experiencing issues with their internet connection or phone signal.  Recipient does not necessarily decline the call – it could be declined automatically due to these external factors. However, if you consistently receive “Call Declined” messages when trying to call a specific contact, it’s worth considering the possibility that the recipient may have blocked your number.

Possible reasons for a “Call Declined” message on WhatsApp.

You might see a “Call Declined” message on WhatsApp for several reasons. Here are some common ones: It’s worth considering these potential causes if you see frequent “Call Declined” messages on WhatsApp.  

How to troubleshoot “Call Declined” messages on WhatsApp

If you’re experiencing “Call Declined” messages on WhatsApp and are looking for ways to troubleshoot the issue, here аre some steps you can take:


“Call Declined” on WhatsApp means that the recipient did not accept the incoming call. This could be due to various reasons, such as а poor internet connection, the phone being on silent mode, or the recipient being busy on another call.  Suppose you’re experiencing “Call Declined” messages on WhatsApp. In that case, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue, including checking your internet connection, ensuring that your phone is not in silent mode, and trying to call again at a later time.