Despite this, there are times when people pull away from friends, family, and other social connections. When people remove themselves from opportunities to socialize with others, they might be experiencing what is referred to as social withdrawal. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. This article discusses some of the causes of social withdrawal, the effects, and the steps you should take if you notice that you or someone you know is experiencing it.

Signs of Social Withdrawal

Social withdrawal can happen in a variety of ways. In some cases, it might involve being more reserved in social situations. It can also involve complete avoidance of almost any type of social interaction. Some examples of social withdrawal include:

Avoiding social activities that a person previously enjoyedTurning down invitations to spend time with othersMaking excuses to be aloneBeing less talkative in group settingsAvoiding situations that involve meeting new peopleNot initiating conversations and avoiding open-ended questions when talking to othersNot wanting to try new thingsAvoiding any unfamiliar setting or situationTaking jobs or tasks that require solitary workPreferring to stay home and engage in solitary activities

Causes of Social Withdrawal

Research has suggested three primary subtypes of social withdrawal: shyness, avoidance, and unsociability. While social withdrawal due to shyness and avoidance has been shown to come with considerable risks, less is known about the impact of unsociability. Some risk factors that can play a part in causing social withdrawal include:

Mental Health Conditions

Social withdrawal can be a symptom of several different mental health conditions, such as:

Anxiety Autism spectrum disorder Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Schizophrenia Substance use disorders

Suppose a person is experiencing social withdrawal along with other symptoms that cause distress or interfere with their ability to function in daily life. In that case, it is essential to talk to a doctor or mental health professional. The specific help and treatment they need depend on the nature and severity of their condition.


Research has also found that socially withdrawn people tend to be shyer. People who are shy often avoid social situations because they are too anxious or uncomfortable in these settings.  What then happens is that this social exclusion reinforces the underlying shy, withdrawn traits that a person already has. The result is that shy people become shyer and more socially isolated as time goes on.

Poor Self-Esteem

In some cases, people pull away from others due to poor self-esteem. Because they do not have much regard for themselves, they may fear being vulnerable around others or believe they will be rejected.

Family Dynamics

Environmental and personality factors can also play a role in social withdrawal. For example, people may withdraw from family or loved ones due to difficult or abusive family dynamics. In one 2020 study, researchers found that people experiencing social withdrawal had high rates of:

Dysfunctional family dynamicsFamily history of psychiatric illnessAnxiety disorderTraumatic childhood experiences, including family maltreatment


Sometimes, people may withdraw simply because they prefer spending time alone. Introverts, for example, typically have a greater need for alone time than extroverts. Regularly turning down social invites, however, is sometimes interpreted as rejection. People may eventually stop reaching out, which can lead to isolation.  While unsociable people may prefer being alone, research has also shown that too much solitude has severe mental and physical health costs. Researchers refer to this as the paradox of solitude.

Social Rejection

Social rejection can also play a role in withdrawal. In such cases, it is not that people necessarily want to be alone; it is that their peers reject them for some reason.  The specific causes of social rejection can vary from one situation to the next. Examples include:

Negative interpersonal interactions: People are sometimes rejected because they negatively interact with others. This may be caused by misunderstandings or poor social/communication skills. Outgroup exclusion: People are sometimes excluded because they are not members of the dominant social group. Racism and discrimination: Prejudice against people who belong to different racial, ethnic, gender, national, language, or religious groups can also play a role in social rejection. Shyness: People who are naturally shy, withdrawn, or anxious are more likely to be excluded. Externalizing behavior: Those who display aggressive, disruptive, or hyperactive behaviors are more likely to experience social rejection. Children with ADHD, for example, are more likely to be rejected by their peers.

Developmental Issues

Social experiences are essential to child development, but children may also go through periods where their sociability varies. However, social withdrawal can also be a sign of problems, particularly when accompanied by other symptoms such as low mood and other changes in behavior.  Social withdrawal is also a concern among older adults. As people become older, they are more likely to become isolated, particularly as they leave the workforce, lose loved ones, live alone, and cope with chronic illness. 


Researchers also suggest that stress can play a part in the onset of social withdrawal. When faced with psychological stress, social withdrawal may serve as a way to cope. People who are prone to social withdrawal tend to have less psychological flexibility. This means they are less able to adapt to current changes to achieve long-term goals. When faced with challenges, they are more likely to withdraw rather than adjust. Unfortunately, social withdrawal often worsens stress and reduces people’s ability to cope effectively with stress. Decreased social contact means people have less emotional and instrumental support to deal with stressful situations. 

Social Withdrawal Syndrome

Social withdrawal syndrome, first described in Japan and termed “hikikomori,” involves confining oneself at home for six months or longer while severely limiting communication with other people. The phenomenon has since been observed in other countries and cultures as well.

Effects of Social Withdrawal

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social withdrawal and isolation can contribute to a higher risk of:

Premature deathDementiaHeart diseaseStrokeDepression, anxiety, and suicide

Coping With Social Withdrawal

If you or someone you love is experiencing social withdrawal, some strategies can help:

Working on relaxation techniques and coping skills to manage fear and anxiety: Strategies such as deep breathing, yoga, and mindfulness meditation can minimize anxiety and discourage the tendency to rely on avoidance coping. Taking small steps to spend time with trusted loved ones: Reach out to the people you trust the most and ask them to help you as you begin to re-engage with the world. Treating yourself with care and compassion: Having self-compassion allows you to acknowledge and relieve your own distress and suffering without trying to avoid it.

It is also essential to talk to a mental health professional, particularly if you are experiencing other symptoms such as anxiety, loss of interest, fatigue, low mood, substance use, or thoughts of suicide. A therapist can evaluate your symptoms, make a diagnosis, and recommend treatments that can help combat withdrawal behaviors.

A Word From Verywell

The causes of social withdrawal can vary. Sometimes people withdraw from social situations because they prefer spending time alone. In many cases, withdrawal is linked to fear, anxiety, depression, rejection, poor self-esteem, and dysfunctional family dynamics.  Whatever the cause, social withdrawal has the potential to lead to loneliness and isolation. It is essential to seek help, find ways to increase social connectivity, and explore ways to engage with others.