While some research supports the use of marijuana (also known as cannabis) in treating social anxiety disorder (SAD), long-term studies on effectiveness still need to be conducted. If you live with social anxiety disorder and are considering medical marijuana as a treatment option, you might feel confused about whether or not it can help. In addition, if you’ve been a recreational marijuana user, you might feel afraid to talk with your doctor about your use of the drug and its relation to your social anxiety. The following article provides some basic information to help you make an informed decision about whether marijuana might be helpful to you, and the best routes to obtain the best effect.

Components of Marijuana

Understanding the components of marijuana is helpful in learning whether it is effective for social anxiety disorder. First, it’s important to know that there are two main categories of chemicals present in marijuana and that they may have different effects on your social anxiety. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive part of marijuana, which means it is the part that gives the feeling of being high. Cannabidiol (CBD) also has psychotropic effects but does not produce a high. While recreational users are in search of the high that comes from THC, people using it for mental health purposes may benefit more from the component of the drug that eases anxiety.

Marijuana for Treating Social Anxiety

Can Marijuana Use Cause Social Anxiety or Make It Worse?

A 2009 review study found that frequent cannabis users consistently had a high prevalence of anxiety disorders and patients with anxiety disorders had a relatively high rate of cannabis use. However, it was not determined if cannabis use increased the risk of developing long-term anxiety disorders. This means that we know there may be a relationship between using marijuana and having social anxiety; however, it is not clear which comes first. It could be that people who already have social anxiety are more likely to use marijuana (see the next section on marijuana and avoidance). It could also be that using marijuana frequently leads to a greater likelihood of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

How CBD May Reduce Social Anxiety

Although this is an area of great complexity and the neuroscience is still being worked out, CBD has been shown to work as an anxiolytic, or anxiety-reducing drug. Individuals suffering from social anxiety who were given CBD were found to have increased blood flow in the cingulate cortex, which plays a role in interpreting the reactions of others. In a 2015 review, cannabidiol (CBD) was supported as a treatment for social anxiety disorder (among other anxiety disorders) when administered acutely (over a short period). However, we don’t know what the effects are of long-term use of marijuana.  They also experienced decreased blood flow to the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (PAG), which are key in forming and recalling memories, and also the inferior temporal gyrus, which helps you perceive faces. In studies with rats, CBD has been shown to reduce aversion to stressful situations. CBD is thought to inhibit the uptake of anandamide in the PAG. Substances that inhibit the uptake of anandamide have been shown to prevent anxiety. In addition, all of the brain areas involved in anxiety, including the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and PAG contain CB1 receptors, which are indirectly involved in the effect of CBD. As a whole, we still don’t know exactly how CBD has its effect. However, it seems that when using this substance, you may be better able to suppress unpleasant memories of anxiety or embarrassment, and also have a better ability to perceive the reactions of others.

Are People With Social Anxiety More Likely to Use Marijuana?

A 2012 questionnaire study showed that people with clinically meaningful social anxiety were more likely to use marijuana to cope with social situations and to avoid social situations if they could not use marijuana. In addition, a 2011 study found that social avoidance was related to marijuana problems and that men with greater social avoidance showed the most severe in terms of marijuana-related problems. These findings suggest that as a recreational user, you may be more likely to use marijuana if you live with social anxiety, particularly if you are male and tend to avoid social situations. You might find yourself needing to use marijuana before a social event in order to get through it, or may avoid events where you know that you won’t be able to get high to cope with your anxiety.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is prescribed by a doctor to help with various medical conditions such as chronic pain, cancer, and even anxiety. In Canada, this is regulated by the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR), which came into effect on August 24, 2016. As for the United States, as of 2019, use of cannabis for medical purposes was legal in 33 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, as well as the territories of Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.


For some people, daily marijuana use may be related to negative consequences. Marijuana has the potential to intensify existing feelings, so the risk for negative effects may be greater if you use it in an unfamiliar or stressful setting, if you are already depressed, or if you’ve never used marijuana before (such that there is a fear factor involved). In addition, people who use marijuana have been shown to perform more poorly in terms of information-processing speed, working memory, executive functioning, and visual and spatial perception. Long-term effects may include neurocognitive deficits, psychosis, and respiratory ailments. Research has also shown that it may be safer to ingest marijuana or to use a vaporizer than to smoke it directly. A low dose at the start is also preferred, just as with any other medication for a mental health condition. Marijuana should also not be used for social anxiety if you have existing problems with substance abuse.

Better Options

The ideal medical marijuana for social anxiety disorder would have a significant quantity of CBD and low levels of THC, which has been shown to induce anxiety and panic. Safe access to marijuana varieties with this combination of concentrations would allow for the beneficial effects without the potential drawbacks. In addition, THC, CBD, and THC-CBD combinations have been shown to improve sleep quality and duration in anxiety disorders. These findings tell us that marijuana may help reduce social anxiety in the short term and may help you sleep better.

Alternative Therapies

There are many alternatives to treating anxiety if medical marijuana is not the right option for you. Meditation and mindfulness are two methods for calming the mind and slowing down anxiety. These are also strategies that you can practice on your own. If you are comfortable with mainstream treatment, social anxiety disorder respond well to traditional medication and therapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

A Word From Verywell

If medical marijuana is available for a prescription where you live, it may be one option to help reduce social anxiety. At the same time, this type of treatment is still in its infancy and more research is needed to confirm marijuana’s effectiveness and safety for this use. If you do find yourself using marijuana to treat your social anxiety, be sure it has a higher proportion of CBD and a lower proportion of THC for maximum benefits. Also be sure to tell your doctor if you are using recreational marijuana to self-medicate, as prescribed medical marijuana may be an option and be more helpful for you.