Caffeine in Your Diet and Panic Attacks

Many people enjoy their morning cup of coffee or a midday soft drink. Caffeine is effective when you need a boost because it is a central nervous system stimulant. But if you have panic disorder, this stimulant effect may be contributing to your symptoms. Studies have shown that administering equal amounts of caffeine to individuals with panic disorder and to those without caused increased panic and anxiety in the former while producing no symptoms in the latter. Caffeine may occur naturally in a product, such as coffee, or it may be added by a manufacturer to enhance flavor. Some over-the-counter and prescription medications also contain caffeine to enhance their effects. Common items that may contain caffeine include:

CoffeeTeaSoft drinks or sodasChocolateSome cold remediesSome pain relievers

If you have been consuming caffeine regularly or in large amounts, stopping abruptly may cause some withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may include headaches, irritability, anxiety, and mood swings. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about these side effects.


People drink alcohol to relax and calm down. But alcohol causes sugar fluctuations and increased lactic acid buildup in the blood. Both of these can cause increased anxiety, irritability, and disturbed sleep patterns. If you are having difficulty eliminating alcohol from your life, talk to your doctor or counselor. If you can easily eliminate alcohol from your routine on your own, you may be looking for alternative ways to relax or calm down. Exercise, guided visualization, and meditation are all healthful ways to reduce stress. Writing in a journal, talk therapy, or joining a support group may also prove helpful to you.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Some experts believe that monosodium glutamate (MSG) can trigger panic attacks in some people. MSG is a flavor enhancer that is commonly added to our food supply. Many Asian foods, soups, meats, frozen dinners, and others contain MSG.

Refined Sugar

A diet high in refined sugar is indicated in a variety of mood disturbances and decreased energy. This is believed to be caused by the release of insulin quickly decreasing blood glucose when large amounts of sugar are consumed. This causes a blood sugar “crash” or hypoglycemia, which is a state of low blood sugar. High sugar diets can also cause lactic acid to build up in the blood. By maintaining a healthy diet, you may be able to decrease significantly, or even eliminate, many panic attack triggers. In addition, you’ll enjoy the added benefits of increased energy and better health.