The treatment for OCD may vary if it occurs with PTSD, so it is important to discuss any trauma with your therapist. Before delving into the link between PTSD and OCD, it’s important to understand the basics of these mental health conditions.

Understanding PTSD

PTSD may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed trauma. Trauma is an event that causes physical, emotional, or psychological distress to a person. Examples may include:

Abusive relationship Being victimized Car accident Death of a loved one Natural disaster Relationship problems (for example, a divorce)

Diagnosing PTSD

In order to be diagnosed with PTSD, a person must be exposed to a traumatic event and have symptoms for one month. These symptoms may include:

Avoiding reminders of the traumaExperiencing reactive symptoms (for example, being easily startled or having angry outbursts)Intense, repetitive memoriesNegative thoughts (for instance, feeling detached from others)

Understanding OCD

While many people have repetitive behaviors or driven thoughts, the thoughts and behaviors of a person with OCD are persistent and disruptive to daily functioning.


Obsessions are recurring and persistent thoughts, impulses, and/or images that are viewed as intrusive and inappropriate. The experience of obsessions causes considerable distress and anxiety for a person. People will try (often unsuccessfully) to ignore or “push away” these recurrent thoughts, impulses, or images, usually knowing that they are unreasonable and from their own mind. Yet people with OCD cannot suppress or ignore their obsessions.


Compulsions are repetitive behaviors (for example, excessive hand washing, checking, hoarding, or constantly trying to put things around you in order) or mental rituals (for example, frequently praying, counting in your head, or repeating phrases constantly in your mind) that someone feels like they have to do in response to the experience of obsessive thoughts. Compulsions are focused on trying to reduce or eliminate anxiety or prevent the likelihood of some kind of dreaded event or situation. Like obsessions, a person with OCD knows that these compulsions are illogical, which causes further distress.

Diagnosing OCD

To be diagnosed with OCD, a person must experience more than one hour per day of intrusive and uncontrollable obsessions and/or compulsions. In addition, these obsessions and/or compulsions must cause considerable distress and impair functioning such as at work, school, or spending time with friends.

Connection Between PTSD and OCD

With both PTSD and OCD, a person has intrusive thoughts and then engages in neutralizing behaviors to reduce their anxiety from these distressing thoughts. While compulsive behaviors (like checking, ordering, or hoarding) may make a person feel more in control, safe, and less anxious in the short run, in the long run, these behaviors do not only inadequately address the source of the anxiety, they may even increase the amount of anxiety someone experiences.

Psychotherapy is often used to treat both OCD and PTSD. Some types that may be used include:

Exposure therapy: OCD is classically treated with exposure therapy, in which a person is exposed to the stimuli that cause them anxiety and then prevented from engaging in their normal compulsion. But with trauma-related OCD or OCD that is co-occurring with PTSD, you may need a different type of therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): Some experts use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for trauma-related OCD. In this type of therapy, a person is taught how to redirect intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event. Other therapies: Other forms of trauma-focused therapy, including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and trauma-focused CBT, may also be useful.

A Word From Verywell

There is a blurred boundary between OCD and PTSD. If you have PTSD and/or OCD, it’s very important to seek treatment from a mental health professional. Be sure to mention any history of trauma to your psychologist or therapist, as this may affect your treatment plan.  For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.