Gambling Disorder

So, what is gambling disorder? According to the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, gambling disorder is considered an addictive disorder. It includes the following symptoms:

A preoccupation with gambling. A need to gamble with more and more money in order obtain a certain level of excitement. Repeated efforts to stop or reduce gambling that are unsuccessful. Feeling restless and irritable when trying to stop gambling. Often gambling when feeling distressed (helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed) Continuing to gamble even when money is lost. Lying to family members or other significant people so they don’t know about your gambling. Lost a job, relationship, career, or similar opportunity because of gambling. Relying on others to help out with finances that have been negatively impacted by gambling.

To be diagnosed with a gambling disorder, a person must have at least four of the above symptoms in a one-year period. Studies have found that anywhere between 0.4% to 4% of the general population will have a problem with gambling at some point in their lives. But it appears as though certain groups of people may be more likely to develop a gambling problem, such as college students, people with a substance use problem, and people with PTSD.

Gambling and PTSD

Studies of people with gambling problems have found that up to 34% also have PTSD. In addition, people with gambling problems who also have PTSD are more likely to experience problems such as anxiety, depression, substance use, impulsivity, and they may even attempt suicide. It is generally thought that people with PTSD may be more likely to gamble to try to escape from their problems or their symptoms of PTSD. Gambling may bring about some temporary relief or escape, and when a person is winning, it can also bring on a “high” that’s similar to the reported high experienced by people who use substances. This high may be particularly desirable for someone with PTSD who is experiencing frequent and intense anxiety and other negative emotions; however, this relief is short-lived, and a person may quickly desire to gamble some more. More gambling tends to result in more financial loss, as well as the potential for greater despair. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Getting Help if You Have Problems Gambling and/or Have PTSD

Treatments for PTSD, as well as for gambling, are available; however, some people with PTSD and gambling disorder may be less likely to pursue these treatments due to shame or denial. If you have PTSD and a problem with gambling, it’s very important to get help. You can learn more about getting help for gambling from Gamblers Anonymous. Given the connection between PTSD and gambling, receiving treatment for PTSD may also help with your gambling problem (in addition to reducing your symptoms of PTSD). If you’re looking for a PTSD treatment provider, there are a number of helpful websites that can help you find the right person. In seeking out a treatment provider, remember to be a consumer: shop around until you find someone that you feel can best address your needs.