Alcoholics Anonymous’ (AA) 12-step program as described in the “The Big Book,” AA’s guide for people recovering from alcoholism, has many references to God and religious themes, and step 11 is no exception. In a nutshell, step 11 calls for discovering the plan your higher power has for your life, and to find the power to carry it out. This article discusses how step 11 works and how it relates to the other 12 steps. It also explores some of the things you can do to tackle this step of your recovery.

How Step 11 Works

For many in recovery, whether it is Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon Family Groups, the concept of spirituality can be unfamiliar, lost, or rejected. Even for those who had an upbringing in a specific faith, you may find that your experience was more “religious” and prescriptive rather than spiritual. For most who are earnest in working the 12 steps, by the time you arrive at step 11, you may discover a measure of spirituality at work in your life. Many AA members say that through the steps, they discovered their higher power and formed a better understanding of that power. Some prefer to call the higher power “God,” others avoid the word altogether. The point is for AA members to discover through participation in the program that there is a power greater than themselves, and they have seen that power at work.

How to Complete Step 11

There are a number of things that you can do to tackle step 11. Some ways you can do this:

Choose the type of spiritual, meditative, or meaningful practice you would like to incorporate into your life.Focus on your objective to bring spirituality, faith, or meaning to your existence. Sometimes this might involve a higher power, but it can also involve a focus on your higher self.Find ways to explore your meaningful practice. Create an environment that is relaxing, peaceful, and free of distractions.Work on letting go of your existing beliefs about yourself that might be holding you back from making changes in your life. Your goal is to allow the higher power you believe in to guide you on your path to recovery.

Remember not to get caught up in your preconceptions of the word “God.” You get to decide what that word means to you and to your life. Also, remember that prayer can take a wide variety of forms. It may mean praying to your higher power for guidance, but it can also mean sitting quietly for some time each day to practice mindfulness.

Why Step 11 Is Important for Recovery

As members accept the “serenity” principle that “Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake,” there is an acknowledgment of a higher power and the belief that there is a plan for their lives. Through prayer and meditation, members can attempt to raise their consciousness of that power and draw on it to continue their personal journey of recovery. Even if you’re an atheist, you can pray or meditate by being still, quiet, stopping, reflecting, and listening to your thoughts. You can plan your day in an orderly way. Ask yourself or a higher power for the right answers to get you through the day. Step 11 helps guide members in moments of confusion or unbalance, teaching them to stop and ask themselves or their higher power for the right way to proceed. For many, this exercise is self-reflection; for others, it is asking God for guidance. The end result usually turns out the same.

A Word From Verywell

Like every part of a 12-step program, step 11 requires commitment to the journey toward lasting recovery. Step 11 can help you develop a plan that will support you in staying on the path to recovery. It is also important preparation for step 12, which focuses on using what you have learned to be of service to others. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.