Today, pagans and witches have religious freedom in most countries, but fears remain. Modern Wiccaphobia may have a connection to xenophobia, or fear of those who are different, and to religious concerns. This article discusses the history of Wiccaphobia and factors that play a role in causing this phobia. It also discusses the signs of this phobia and treatment options.

History of Wiccaphobia

The Burning Times began with the 1487 release of the Malleus Maleficarum or Witches’ Hammer. The book detailed how to convict and kill a witch and was popular in Europe through the late 17th century. Fear of witches also carried over to the English colonies in North America, where witchcraft was considered a capital offense. The most famous witch hunts occurred in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, but a trial in Virginia brought the mass hysteria to light. In 1706, Grace Sherwood faced charges of witchcraft in Williamsburg, Virginia. Her trial, held at the dawn of the Age of Reason, brought to light the conflict between science and superstition. Witnesses testified that Grace caused ghosts to attack people, but the court was unconvinced by what it termed “spectral evidence.” Shortly after the trial, spectral evidence was officially banned from trials.

Symptoms of Wiccaphobia

A person with Wiccaphobia experiences feelings of anxiety about witches or witchcraft. They also avoid places that might involve exposure to witches or witchcraft. When they are exposed to the source of their fear, people may experience symptoms such as:

BreathlessnessChest painChillsChocking sensationsDisorientationHeart palpitationsNauseaStomach upset or painSweating Trembling

Sometimes people with this phobia will experience a panic attack if they encounter witches or witchcraft. Panic attacks are sudden and intense episodes of extreme fear that can include a sense of unreality, feelings of impending doom, or the sense that death is imminent.


Wiccaphobia itself is not recognized as a distinct condition in the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” often referred to as the DSM-5, which healthcare providers use to diagnose mental health conditions. Instead, Wiccaphobia would be considered a type of specific phobia. 

Causes of Wiccaphobia

Witchcraft fever could be seen as a sort of mass hysteria. A deep misunderstanding of the nature of earth religions, coupled with plagues, droughts, and other hardships, likely led to hysteria. As scientists began to make sense of the world around them and education among the average population improved, the hysteria lessened. There are likely a few different factors that contribute to the development of this phobia in the present day. Genetics, family history, experiences, and media influences might all play a role. Some people may be more susceptible to developing anxiety and phobias due to genetic influences. Negative experiences related to witchcraft might then trigger the onset of this fear. For example, becoming very frightened after encountering a costumed witch at a Halloween haunted house might trigger this fear. Depictions of witchcraft in popular media might also factor into this type of phobia. Because witchcraft is often depicted in a scary or negative way, people may develop fears based on those stereotypical portrayals.


Some modern witchcraft fears have roots in xenophobia or the fear of those who are different. If you lived in a small town, you might never have encountered someone who practices Wicca or another pagan religion. You may be afraid of their customs and practices or, more likely, the customs and practices that you assume they follow based on depictions in popular culture.


While this fear can be upsetting and disruptive, effective treatments can help. While medications are sometimes prescribed to help manage immediate anxiety symptoms, talk therapy is the most common treatment for specific phobias. Two approaches that can be particularly effective are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy involves identifying the underlying negative thoughts that contribute to fear and anxiety. Once identified, people then work on replacing these thoughts with more realistic and helpful ones. Exposure therapy is a type of CBT in which a person is gradually exposed to the source of their fear. This is done under the supervision of a therapist in a safe environment. Along with exposure, people practice techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to induce the relaxation response. Over time, the fear begins to lessen and fade.

Therapy can be highly effective in relieving symptoms of phobias. Research has found that even just a single psychotherapy session can have positive effects and decrease feelings of fear. During treatment, your therapist may also want to explore the root of your fear and ask you questions, such as:

Does your church teach that witchcraft is a sin, as many Evangelical Christian churches do?Are you afraid that you might be a witch, and if so, why?Do you believe that witches have the power to cause harm?

Coping With Wiccaphobia

Although the earth-based religions are generally benign, they have been negatively depicted for more than 1,000 years. Wiccaphobia is generally complex and may not be easy to treat.

Look for an open-minded therapist who is willing to delve into your past and seek assistance from religious leaders.Research ancient and modern-day earth-based religions, talk to those who practice those faiths, and remain open-minded.Expose yourself to other religions and spiritual beliefs. Learning more about other people and their spiritual practices can help you feel less afraid.

A Word From Verywell

While getting help for Wiccaphobia can be anxiety-provoking or uncomfortable at times, it is the best way to find relief. Talk to your healthcare provider about your treatment options.