The problem with trying to find an answer to how much rehabilitation will cost is that there are so many variables involved, including the type of treatment you need and the length of time you will need to be in the treatment program. On top of that, the price that addiction treatment programs charge for the exact same services can differ greatly from one facility to the next, depending on the location of the facility and the “extras” that the program may provide basic services. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Some programs offered by the Veterans Administration and other federal and state agencies that cost the consumer little or nothing. Outpatient programs cost an average of $2,400, give or take a few thousand dollars. Private residential rehabilitation programs can vary widely in price. Typical private programs cost over $17,000 a month. The amount paid by insurance can vary, with many people paying large portions out of pocket. High-end luxury programs—designed for executives, celebrities, professional athletes, and other high-profile patients—can cost from $26,000 up through $100,000 a month.

Type of Treatment Program

Treatment programs can be outpatient or residential. Naturally, inpatient or residential programs are going to cost more because you will eat, sleep and live at the rehab facility. You are there 24 hours a day, which requires the facility to have staff members on duty around the clock for as long as you are in treatment.

The type of treatment neededThe length of the treatment programThe amenities offered by the facilityThe location of the facility

Residential programs are also required to have medical care available, which means the facility has to have a physician and/or nurse on duty or on call at all times. Outpatient programs, on the other hand, are generally only open during business hours. Depending on the type of services the program provides, you may need to actually be at the facility a few hours a day, or perhaps even only a few hours a week, meaning the costs are much less expensive.

Length of Treatment Required

When you first begin alcohol or drug treatment, you will go through an evaluation assessment, after which a counselor will make a recommendation as to how long you should stay in treatment to have the best chance of achieving your goals. Unless you are court-ordered into rehab, you are the person who makes the final decision about how long you stay in a treatment program. The evaluator may recommend that you commit to a 90-day residential program, but you are the one who will decide how long you need to remain in the program. It is possible that all you need is a short detoxification program followed by a short period during which your withdrawal symptoms are monitored and medicated as necessary. A detox program can take a little as three to five days or up to a week to 10 days, perhaps two weeks at the longest. However, depending on your evaluation (and insurance coverage), the counselor may recommend that you continue your treatment for 28 days, 90 days, or even longer. In the case of heroin addiction, you could be placed in an outpatient methadone or suboxone treatment program that lasts for a year and sometimes longer. Naturally, the longer that you are in the program, the more your treatment is likely to cost. A short two-week detoxification program is going to cost a lot less than 28 days in a residential rehab facility.

Amenities Offered by the Facility

If you can afford it, you can get the treatment you need along with many other personal services you desire in luxury surroundings, with all of the amenities you would expect at a first-class resort or spa. There are luxury treatment centers that offer their clients everything from meals prepared by gourmet chefs to personal trainers and private nurses. They can offer hair and nail technicians, massage therapists, and personal assistants. Some facilities offer private workout rooms, hot tubs, and saunas and provide limousine service to and from the facility. Some luxury centers allow their upscale clients to bring their children with them and provide services and recreational activities for those children in luxury surroundings. There are facilities that allow clients to bring their pets to rehab with them and provide a complete line of pet services, including grooming, massages, and even pet therapy.

Location of the Facility

The location of the facility is another factor in the ultimate cost of seeking treatment. It stands to reason that services provided at a facility located with an ocean or waterfront view, or a center located on a secluded mountain top, is going to cost more than one located in the city. Luxury-type facilities that were built specifically to be a treatment center are probably going to cost more than one located in a former residence or office building.

Luxury Treatment Programs

If money is not an issue, you can find a facility that can provide you all of the luxury services that you desire. But expect to pay between $26,000 through $100,000 a month for your treatment program. One recovery center, Paraclesus Recovery, charges over $100,000 per week for “executive detox.”

Typical Treatment Programs

The vast majority of drug and alcohol residential treatment programs in the United States offer very few, if any, luxury amenities. They mostly provide the basics: a room with a bed, bathroom, television, and space to store your personal items. At some facilities, you can save money if you do not mind sharing a room. If you do not need luxury amenities and are looking for a facility that offers high-quality drug and alcohol treatment services, nonprofit-run facilities cost an average of $5,700 a month. Privately run facilities, which are more likely to have a couple amenities, cost an average of $17,400.

Low-Cost Treatment Programs

If you have health insurance, you can find low-cost treatment options by finding facilities that accept private insurance. Your insurance plan may not cover all of the costs of your alcohol and drug treatment, but most of them today will pay for detoxification services, treatment of withdrawal symptoms, and psychological counseling for substance abuse problems. Despite parity laws, many insurance plans have strict qualifications for residential treatment, so most patients who rely on private insurance to pay for their treatment choose outpatient programs instead. A 2012 study found the “average” total cost for an outpatient treatment program was $1,839 ($2,386 adjusted for inflation), but some outpatient programs could cost above $5,500 ($7,100+ when adjusted for inflation).

Free Treatment Programs

If you do not have insurance and you have limited financial resources, there are still alcohol and drug treatment options available to you. Many state and local health or social services departments offer low-cost or free alcohol and drug treatment programs based on your income and ability to pay. Because they are free, however, there may be a waiting list to get into the programs, but they are available in most areas. There are also free drug and alcohol treatment programs offered by nonprofit or charity organizations and faith-based groups. These organizations may offer detoxification services, individual and group counseling, sober-living homes, or support group participation. And of course, there is Alcoholics Anonymous, a completely free support group in which millions have learned to live a sober life since it was founded in 1935.