National estimates in the United States indicate that every 60 seconds, 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner. This adds up to over 10 million people per year. Relationship violence has also been found among people who have experienced certain traumatic events or have PTSD.

Childhood Abuse and Relationship Violence

Separate from PTSD, a connection has been found between the experience of certain traumatic events and relationship violence. In particular, studies have found that women who experienced sexual, emotional or physical abuse in childhood were more likely to experience violence in intimate relationships as compared to those without a history of childhood trauma. People with PTSD also have been found to be more likely to be aggressive and engage in intimate partner abuse than people without a PTSD diagnosis. The connection between PTSD and violence has been found for both men and women with the disorder.

Trauma, PTSD, and Domestic Violence

Researchers have attempted to better understand what may lead people with a history of trauma or PTSD to engage in aggressive and violent behaviors. In studies of U.S. veterans, depression played a role in aggression among people with PTSD. People who have both depression and PTSD may experience more feelings of anger and, therefore, may have greater difficulties controlling it. Despite these findings, it is important to note that just because some people have experienced a traumatic event or have PTSD does not mean that they will exhibit violent behavior. There are many factors that contribute to aggressive behavior and much more research is needed to identify the specific risk factors for aggressive behavior among people exposed to traumatic events or who have PTSD.

Treatment for PTSD

Mental health professionals have long recognized that trauma and PTSD increase the risk of aggression. Therefore, many treatments for PTSD also incorporate anger management skills. Learning more effective ways of coping with PTSD, such as deep breathing and identifying the short- and long-term negative and positive consequences of different behaviors, is a major part of reducing aggressive tendencies. In addition, learning to cope with anger in healthy ways is a good way to not only lessen the chance of violence but can help those with PTSD approach situations which cause anger in a better way. If you are the victim of relationship violence, it is important for you to also take immediate steps.