Mental Illness and Stigmatization

Mental illness has long been associated with confinement, painful treatments, and social stigma. At various points in history, those with a mental illness were thought to be possessed by evil spirits. If you have older relatives who went through the early or mid-20th-century asylums, you may be afraid you’ll undergo the same treatment. You might also be afraid of social stigmatization. Some symptoms of mental illnesses can cause tics, vocal outbursts, and socially inappropriate behaviors. While stigmatization is not as common as it was, it does exist. You may fear losing friends and family or being embarrassed in front of strangers due to mental illness.

Common Symptoms

Those with a phobia of going mad often exhibit the following symptoms:

AnxietyBreathlessnessDizzinessExcessive sweatingFeeling faintHeadachesHeart palpitationsNauseaPanic attacksSocial withdrawal

Depersonalization and derealization are subjective changes in perception. They are extremely common during panic attacks and times of intense stress but can create a feeling of disconnectedness with the body and with the wider world. This can lead to a feeling that you’re going insane, creating a self-reinforcing cycle. Research does show that those who have a relative with a mental illness are more likely to develop a similar illness. The knowledge that you are at a somewhat higher risk of developing mental illness can further add to the fear.

Getting Help

Phobias are often treated with a combination of medications and therapy. Therapists generally draw from a variety of cognitive-behavioral and other techniques to help sufferers challenge their beliefs and ultimately develop healthier ways of thinking and acting. Psychoeducation, in which you learn more about specific mental illnesses, is often helpful. Your therapist may also work with you to explore the meaning that your fear has to you. The goal of treatment is usually to help you better understand the complex factors involved in your fear in order to minimize the impact it has on your life.