Why Dating Might Still Make Sense Amid the Pandemic

Though dating has certainly waned given the coronavirus pandemic, it makes sense that some do wish to continue the courting process. Some may argue that dating right now could even be advantageous for a couple of different reasons. She adds that when we’re in a state of crisis, like this coronavirus pandemic, there’s increased worry about the unknown which exacerbates stress and anxiety. In that sense, sticking with regular routines creates a sense of predictability which can potentially ease our stress. Further, the lack of human connection can increase feelings of isolation and depression, so it’s important that we continue to invest time in socializing, too.  Rachel DeAlto, the chief dating expert for Match, agrees that right now is a good time to date and really get to know people. She says you can even consider it a vetting process of sorts.  “Additionally, this can be a great time to meet people who are also interested in more than a hookup. It slows down the physical component of new relationships and builds emotional intimacy.”  

Finding Success While Dating in the Time of Coronavirus

If starting a new relationship—or maintaining a budding relationship—feels like the right move for you, the following advice can help things go more smoothly.

Don’t Ignore the Elephant in the Room

You may wonder if talking about the pandemic in the context of dating makes sense. To answer your question, it absolutely does. “It provides an excellent opportunity to learn how your date handles a crisis, and since crises are inevitable, you get to see what the future holds if you want to build a life with this person.” 

Identify What You’re Seeking in a Partner

This advice applies in and outside of a pandemic, but we’re reiterating it since it may be easier to lose sight of what we’re seeking in a long-term partner during this chaos. If you haven’t already, define three to five non-negotiables you’re seeking in a partner.

Focus on Getting to Know Each Other

Just as you would do your best to get to know someone at the start of a relationship any other time, the focus now should be the same. Be genuinely curious about getting to know the soul and mind of the person you’ve just met to feel out your connection. The New York Times’ 36 Questions to Fall in Love might also be a great jumping-off point for deeper conversations.

Make Sure to Video Chat

One of the greatest milestones of dating someone you met online is taking your connection from text message to face. Obviously, in light of the coronavirus pandemic, actually going on a physical date isn’t feasible. The next best thing is to talk to each other via FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc.

Stay Positive as Best as You Can

One of the beautiful things about being in a committed partnership is having the ability to laugh, lament, and vent together. During this particularly trying time, though, defaulting to negative discussions may come too easy. “If you need a venting session that is understandable, but don’t use your new match as a sounding board,” says DeAlto. “People are still drawn to positive people, and you wouldn’t want a great potential date to be put off by negativity. If you aren’t feeling up to it, push the conversations off.”

Some Considerations to Keep in Mind

You and your potential partner are likely experiencing waves of emotions as you try to process and work through the coronavirus pandemic. Anxiety levels might be high, frustrations may come more quickly, and disconnects can understandably happen. Dating someone new at this time will likely require an increase in patience, heightened self-awareness, and ultra-strong communication skills. It also requires an authentic desire to get to know someone else. “Balance is a personal boundary we each need to define individually,” says Rodriguez. “Spending time dating should feel like it adds value to your life. If it doesn’t, then I’d look at the amount of energy you’re giving to it and make some changes.”  The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page. Coping With Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic How to Be a Good Quarantine Partner Encouraging Your Loved Ones to Engage in Social Distancing