A comprehensive approach to helping depressed teens combines professional therapy and/or medication with self-help strategies. These self-help strategies can help to shift negative patterns and provide your teen with tools they can implement and explore on their own.

Self-Help Strategies Support Professional Treatment

Self-help strategies are not intended to replace professional treatment and are best utilized as tools to supplement therapy and/or medication by decreasing symptoms and empowering teens to feel better and more in control of their lives. First-line treatments for teen depression include medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. 


Medications for depression in teens include antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications block the reuptake of serotonin, increasing levels of the neurotransmitter in the brain. It is important to note that all antidepressants carry an FDA black-box warning regarding an increased risk of suicidal thinking in children and young people under the age of 25. For this reason, antidepressant use is carefully monitored by both doctors and parents, especially during the first few weeks of treatment.


There are a few different types of therapy that are often used to help teens experiencing depression, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT).

CBT focuses on helping kids recognize and change the underlying negative thought patterns that contribute to depressive symptoms. IPT helps teens with interpersonal relationships and improves communication in order to improve the quality of social relationships.

Self-Help Strategies for Depression

Lifestyle changes and self-help strategies play an important role in supplementing and supporting professional treatment. Helping incorporate these changes into your teen’s life can help improve their symptoms in the present and may help them develop coping skills that will play a role in preventing future depressive episodes.

Exercise Often

Movement helps combat depression in a variety of ways. Being active helps release feel-good chemicals into the brain. Participating in physical activity may help improve your teen’s mood, and any type of movement can make a difference, whether it’s walking the dog, dancing in the shower, or skateboarding. Exercise also increases body temperature, which may produce a feeling of calmness, and help take your teen’s mind off of their troubles.  Research has found that exercise has a therapeutic impact on depression and may even play a part in preventing depression. One study found that regular exercise of any intensity provided protection against future episodes of depression.

Pay Attention to Nutrition

Food fuels the body and the mind. Some foods tend to make depression worse and some may make it better. For teens who thrive on junk food, adding more nutritious foods to their diet often makes a big difference in how they feel. If you need more information about how to implement a healthier diet, schedule a session with a nutritionist who works with teens, or search for related information in books and online.

Socialize and Find Support

Isolation leads to loneliness, which may lead to increased feelings of depression. Unfortunately, a common symptom of depression in teens is social withdrawal. What often helps is to socialize and stay connected with others. A teen struggling with depression may need peers who will listen and lend their support. Sometimes other depressed teens are in the best position to do this, so consider an online support group specifically for depressed teens. 

Express Feelings

Pent-up feelings and emotions sometimes need to be discharged in healthy ways in order to combat depression. The process of doing so can also help identify some of the negative feelings that often go along with depression. Keep in mind, however, that if this becomes a habit it can ultimately lead to rumination, which can produce a more depressed, unhappy mood.

Focus on Sleep Patterns

Sleep often plays a role in how a teen feels physically and emotionally. Track your teen’s sleep patterns for a few days to get more information.

Journaling Singing along to music Creating art Exercising Taking a break

In cases where more, or less, sleep is needed, learn about the factors that impact sleep and consult a health professional if needed.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

When a teen doesn’t like how they feel or act, sometimes they experiment with drugs, including caffeine, in an effort to cope with their feelings. In most cases, your teen doesn’t realize they’re self-medicating; they’re just looking for ways to try to feel better. Teens who turn to alcohol and drugs usually make a bad situation worse.  In some cases, marijuana use can contribute to the onset of psychosis, and teens have a higher risk of experiencing this adverse effect. Regular marijuana use can also affect brain development in teens and contribute to problems with cognition and learning.

Have Fun

Experiencing joy and happiness in life is important. When depression gets in the way, efforts to focus on fun can make a difference. Try to get your teen to participate in activities that bring a sense of pleasure. Start by having them jot down a list of anything that is fun, silly, or creates a moment of joy, then try to include one of these in each day’s activities. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Depression Activities for Youth Examples of activities that can help improve mood and boost positivity for teens include:

Making a playlist of their favorite upbeat, feel-good songsCreating an art collage or posterboard with pictures, postcards, quotes, and other sources of inspirationSpending time with friendsExploring a new leisure activity such as hiking, swimming, or recreational sportsStarting or joining a book clubOutdoor activities such as walking, biking, gardening, or camping

A Word From Verywell

If you haven’t already, make it a priority to set up an appointment for your teen with an adolescent therapist. Mental health issues are usually very treatable, especially when there’s emotional support from a mental health professional as well as the teen’s family.  Taking steps to make sure your child is getting enough sleep, engaging in regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet are important places to start. Your teen may need encouragement and support, especially initially, since depression creates problems with motivation and low energy levels. Keep supporting your child and work on helping them get the emotional validation and social support they need to thrive. As treatment progress, keep your eye on symptoms and watch for any potential warning signs of suicidal thinking.