Luckily, psychologists are discovering that animal companions may play a significant role in providing relief. A recent study published in PLoS ONE examined whether pets have a role in combating this loneliness, and the role that certain pets can have on a person’s mental health state. The results are promising enough to make you consider a trip to the local animal shelter.

What Did the Study Show?

This study surveyed U.K. residents over the age of 18 about their companion animals. According to the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), companion animals are defined as, “…any domestic-bred or wild-caught animals, permanently living in a community and kept by people for company, enjoyment, work (e.g. support for blind or deaf people, police, or military dogs) or psychological support–including, but not limited to dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds, and ornamental fish.” Of 5,926 survey participants, who varied in demographics regarding age, ethnicity, employment, marital status, and education, nearly 90% owned a pet. The online survey included an 11-item questionnaire requesting response ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” on a Comfort from Companion Animal Scale (CCA). Researchers used mixed methods to inquire about participants’ mental health prior to the lockdown, utilizing the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, a shortened version of the UCLA loneliness scale, and one additional mental health scale known as the SF-36 (MHI-5). This cross-sectional study method revealed that while the state of mental health for individuals prior to the pandemic varied, pet ownership during this time lessened the decline of individual mental health and simultaneously mitigated symptoms of loneliness. What’s more, the strength of the human-animal bond did not depend on a pet’s species.

Animal Companions and Mental Health

Animals can serve multiple purposes, ranging from household pals to assistant bomb detectors, but have also been shown to aid in physical and mental health issues. “Pets have been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease allergies in children, calm or prevent panic attacks, and overall encourage movement and wellness,” says Prairie Conlon, LPC, NCC and clinical director of CertaPet. Support is also a common role for animals for people with disabilities. Animals may assist folks who are blind, live with seizure disorders, or need help walking. Arguably the most common role for animals is that of companionship, whether it is as a family pet or to combat loneliness in someone who lives solo. “Pets help combat feelings of loneliness by simply being a physical presence that demands routine, accountability, and consistency through feeding, playtime, and general overall care. They require movement and care that often increases personal motivation and self-care habits.” says Conlon. Pets can also give people a sense of purpose and grounding in an otherwise chaotic time. “For some people, a pet provides a sense of purpose. Having to feed your pet and take care of them can be a good reason to get out of bed. And that sense of purpose can be vital to your emotional health,” says Amy Morin, LCSW, a psychotherapist and host of the Mentally Strong People podcast.

Everyone Has Different Needs

The mental health needs of individuals vary, and that’s no different during the pandemic. So it’s important to do your research before adding another member to your family, since certain pets may require more investment of time and energy than others. For instance, a pet bunny can be an adorable and soothing companion, and probably won’t be as expensive as a dog. The topic of which pet to get might be something to discuss with a mental health expert. “Just like any form of clinical treatment, I want to use a therapeutic modality that suits the client and works well for their lifestyle and where they are at with their mental health symptoms,” says Conlon. “I want to explore the pros and cons [of each animal] and then make a decision from there.” The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page. However, as with most methods of mental health management, consulting with a doctor or mental health professional is the optimal way to determine if adopting a pet would be right for you.