Nonetheless, you are in pain, your pain is real, and you need to do something to relieve it. So you make an appointment with a doctor, or perhaps you decide the emergency room at your local hospital is your best bet for getting the prescription you need quickly. Don’t be surprised if there are certain behaviors the doctor and their staff look for to determine whether you truly need a prescription to control your pain. In fact, there are common behaviors and characteristics exhibited by patients who are considered drug seekers.

Drug-Seeking Behavior

The following are behaviors the US Drug Enforcement Agency advises doctors to look for. They are commonly seen in combinations, not in isolation. A drug seeker may:

Be either dirty and sloppily dressed, or very well-dressedBecome demanding and assertive, insisting on being seen right away, and has no patienceClaim that they live elsewhere and are in town to visit a friend or relative, or they are just on their way through townClaim that their doctor is unavailable, or that they do not have a doctorExhibit a high level of knowledge of controlled substancesExhibit unusual behavior while in the waiting roomGo from doctor to doctor, or hospital to hospital, hoping that no records have been shared that would show they have picked up pain-relieving drugs from another place. (This is becoming less commonplace as many states are developing drug tracking databases.)Pretend they are trying to relieve someone else’s pain, such as a child or elderly relative or friendRequest a specific drug and does not want to change to a different drugTry to strong-arm the doctor or play on the doctor’s sympathiesWant to make the last appointment of the day, at the end of the day, or after regular office hours

Healthcare Status of Drug Seekers

Regarding healthcare status, a drug seeker:

Can either explain their medical history completely or is very vague about medical history Is not interested in their diagnosis and has no interest in further testing or referrals May complain about multiple fake symptoms (for example, migraines, back pain, and kidney stones) May have evidence of drug abuse, such as needle marks, scars or new lesions May pretend to have psychological symptoms such as depression, insomnia, or anxiety Usually, has no health insurance Will complain that over-the-counter pain relievers don’t work, or that they are allergic to them

Staying Safe on Your Pain Medication

The abuse of prescription pain medications, especially opioids, is a very serious concern in the United States, and doctors have an ethical and legal responsibility to ensure the well-being and safety of their patients. This means only prescribing pain medications when medically indicated. If you require prescription pain medication, be sure to establish a formal and trusting relationship with a doctor and follow up with them regularly. This way, you do not find yourself in a situation where your health needs are perceived as something they are not, like drug-seeking behavior. Managing pain is a complex process, especially when opioids are incorporated into a person’s pain regimen. This is because the potential for opioid abuse is very real.

A Word From Verywell

Hospitalizations for opioid abuse/dependence rose by over 70% from 2002 to 2012 in the United States. This includes the significant rise in serious infections due to intravenous drug administration, a very dangerous complication of the opioid epidemic. While you may be frustrated about being unable to fill a prescription easily, controls are in place to keep medications safe for those who need them.