One of the reasons risky behavior is so common during adolescence is because the teen brain isn’t yet fully developed. Consequently, teens struggle to think about long-term consequences. In addition, they experience the “not me” phenomenon. They never imagine that injury, pregnancy, or accidents could happen to them.

Tracking At-Risk Behaviors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks certain youth-at-risk behaviors that they have deemed important and observable in their Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). Every two years, a report is created on different behavior categories.

Behavior That Contributes to Unintentional Injuries and Violence

The 2015 YRBSS report showed these statistics about behaviors contributing to injuries and violence:

81% never or rarely wore a bicycle helmet42% of teens had emailed or texted at least once while driving8% of teens had driven after drinking within the past 30 days20% of teens had ridden with someone who had been drinking at least once in the past 30 days16% of teens had carried a weapon for at least one day during the prior 30 days

Tobacco Use

The 2015 YRBSS report showed these statistics about tobacco use:

32% of teens had tried a cigarette 10% smoked a cigarette within the past 30 days 2% of teens reported smoking daily

Alcohol and Drug Use

The 2015 YRBSS report showed these statistics with regard to alcohol and drug use:

63% of teens had had at least one drink of alcohol in their lives33% had had at least one drink in the 30 days prior to the survey18% had had five or more drinks in a row39% had used marijuana at least once in their lives22% had used marijuana at least once in the past 30 days

Sexual Behaviors

The 2015 YRBSS report showed these statistics with regard to sexual behavior:

41% of teens had had sexual intercourse in their lives12% of teens had sex with four or more people30% of teens had had sex with at least one person in the three months prior to the survey57% of the sexually active teenagers reported using condoms14% said they had not used any birth control methods

Dietary Behaviors

The dietary behaviors of teens in the 2015 YRBSS report showed:

7% had not eaten vegetables in the week prior to the survey5% had not eaten fruit or drank 100% fruit juice in the week prior to the survey38% had not drunk milk during the week prior to the survey

Physical Activity

Physical activity of teens in the 2015 YRBSS report showed:

14% of teens hadn’t received an hour of exercise in the past week47% were physically active for 60 minutes per day on five or more days42% used a computer for things other than school works for 3 or more hours per day35% watched television for three or more hours per day

How Parents Can Use the Results

It’s important for parents to know the most common behaviors teens are engaging in that could lead to negative consequences. You can use the survey results to better understand the types of pressure your teen may face or the behaviors your teen might be tempted to engage in. You can also use the survey to start a conversation with your teen. Say something like, “I was reading a survey the other day that said 32 percent of teens have tried smoking. Do any of your friends smoke?”  It’s important to hold ongoing conversations with your teen about risky behavior. Listen to your teen’s concerns and provide education whenever possible.