This experience can be a distressing experience for some, triggering a host of physical and psychological symptoms. But it doesn’t mean that everyone will experience withdrawal in the same way. For example, people who quit “cold turkey” tend to have more severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms than those using an approach that involves counseling, support systems, and quit-smoking aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

What Is Nicotine Withdrawal?

Nicotine withdrawal refers to what happens in the body when someone who has been using nicotine regularly stops or reduces their intake. This reduction or elimination of nicotine can result in experiencing symptoms that are physical and psychological in nature. As far as a timeline is concerned, nicotine withdrawal symptoms can begin within two to three hours after you last used this drug. Though, they are often strongest a few days after stopping nicotine completely. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) outlines the criteria for tobacco withdrawal. The title of this condition was changed from “nicotine withdrawal,” which is what it was called in the DSM-IV.

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

By understanding some of the signs and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, you can better prepare for them and know how to respond if and when they occur. Here are a few of the most common, along with several ways to avoid them. While nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be challenging, it’s important to remember that these effects are only temporary. With a little preparation and persistence, you will get through them. A craving is a physiological response in which the body yearns for something to which it has adapted and become tolerant. When suddenly deprived of nicotine, the brain no longer releases the “feel-good” hormone dopamine, which the body has grown accustomed to. Nicotine cravings typically last for five to 10 minutes and may be extremely uncomfortable. To cope with this nicotine withdrawal symptom, remind yourself that the feeling will pass. Chewing nicotine gum or taking a long, brisk walk can also help as you wait them out. As a result, when quitting smoking, you may feel the need to consume carbs, or crave sweets and other foods to satiate this sudden and often unexplained hunger. Thankfully, this effect will stabilize as your body adjusts to being nicotine-free. In the meantime, to keep from gaining weight when quitting smoking, it helps to control your snacking. Do something to distract yourself instead eating, such as engaging in physical exercise. And if you do snack, choose healthy foods that won’t contribute to weight gain. Fruits and vegetables are good options to consider. To relieve insomnia when quitting smoking, consider any other factors that may be contributing to your sleep issues. If you drink caffeine later in the day, for instance, changing this habit can make it easier to get and stay asleep. It can also be helpful to develop a pre-sleep routine that helps you relax. This might involve ending your day with a nice bath or reading a few pages in your favorite book to help calm your mind. When you smoke, the tiny finger-like projections in the lining of your airways (called cilia) become immobilized and eventually flatten out. After you quit, the cilia return to their normal shape and function, pushing toxic deposits out of the lungs to be coughed up. You can avoid this nicotine withdrawal symptom by staying well-hydrated and humidifying the air in your environment. It can also be helpful to use honey or an over-the-counter cough drop to ease any throat irritation. In most cases, quitter’s flu will last for only a couple of days. Nicotine replacement therapy, along with over-the-counter pain relievers, may help ease these symptoms.  This stress can not only cause extreme changes in mood, including sudden and irrational outbursts, but it can also trigger short-term physiological changes such as increased blood pressure and heart rate. Memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and dizziness are also common. So are feelings of anxiety, which often occur within three days of quitting but may last several weeks.  Finding ways to reduce your stress when quitting smoking can help avoid this common nicotine withdrawal symptom. This may involve journaling, talking with a friend, or finding a physical activity that you enjoy. This effect may be further exacerbated by the “munchies” some people experience while quitting. Increased food cravings can increase the volume of food you eat, along with increasing your intake of foods more likely to cause constipation—such as white bread, chocolate, potato chips, and ice cream.  Drinking plenty of water can help normalize your bowel movements. Increasing your intake of dietary fiber may reduce this nicotine withdrawal symptom as well. Behavioral factors are also thought to influence nicotine withdrawal symptoms. For example, just seeing someone smoking or smelling a cigarette can increase your cravings to do the same.

Treatment for Nicotine Withdrawal

There are a few treatments to help with nicotine withdrawal, including:

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs): Examples of NRTs include nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges, all of which are available over the counter. Nicotine nasal sprays and inhalers are available with a prescription. Prescription medications: The antidepressant Zyban (bupropion) (also sold under the brand name Wellbutrin) and the smoking cessation aid Chantix (varenicline) can help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Speak to a healthcare provider about what treatment might be best for you. In addition to medications and NRTs, you can also seek psychological support from a support group, quit-tobacco program, or mental health professional.

A Word From Verywell

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be intense and uncomfortable. But this phase of smoking cessation won’t last forever. And, if prepared, you can manage and cope with the symptoms as they come. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. In the end, the benefits of quitting far outweigh any short-term discomfort you may experience through withdrawal. If you take it one step at a time, you’ll get there. Try not to get ahead of yourself and worry about never smoking again. Just focus on today and do whatever you can to remain smoke-free.