However, if you are responsible for other people’s nutritional needs besides your own you might feel guilty if you order pizza for the fifth night in a row.

Meal Planning Benefits for People Living With ADHD

There are many benefits to meal planning. The three main ones are:

It Saves Money 

When you meal plan, you have all the items in your kitchen to make a complete meal! This means fewer emergency trips to the grocery store and the inevitable impulse buys. You will also save money on eating out because there is nothing to eat at home.

It Saves Time

Thanks to meal planning, you always have the ingredients to make your meal. No more trying to make a chicken stir-fry and realizing you don’t have the chicken. Even quick trips to the store are time-consuming when you factor in parking and waiting for the checkout line etc.

It’s Healthy

Preparing and cooking your own food is much healthier than eating outside your home. To make the food taste so good, restaurants add fat, salt, and sugar. In contrast, when you are cooking at home, you can eliminate or use those ingredients sparingly. You can also plan a varied diet, which is helpful to ensure you are getting all the essential nutrients. Without meal planning, you might find yourself in default and eating the same meals again and again.

How to Create a Menu Rotation for Easy Meal Planning

There is a great way to have the benefits of meal planning without having to repeatedly plan your meals. It’s menu rotation.  Menu rotation is where you plan your meals for a certain period of time, for example, three weeks, then repeat those three-week menus again and again. Your menu is planned once and then you never have to do it again! It will revolutionize your eating and your health.​ Here’s how to set up the system: