There are many ways you can turn your experience with an eating disorder into action and help others. Here are some of the leading organizations that promote attention to and provide support for eating disorders. In 2018, NEDA also merged with the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA). The association’s national toll-free confidential hotline (800-931-2237) is staffed daily by trained volunteers that provide information, support, and referrals to treatment. They also offer 24/7 crisis support via text (send ‘NEDA’ to 741741).  NEDA organizes fundraising walks throughout the United States at various times of the year. The walks serve as vehicles to unite communities and raise awareness. The organization’s website also provides a wide range of free resources and information, including online screening and toolkits for parents, educators, and coaches. In addition, NEDA organizes and sponsors National Eating Disorders Week, also known as NEDAwareness Week, during the last week in February each year. The goal of this week is to raise awareness of the dangers of eating disorders and the need for intervention. Moreover, NEDA’s Feeding Hope Fund for Clinical Research raises restricted funds specifically for providing grants to qualified clinical researchers. These research grants focus on innovative treatment, prevention, and training dissemination. Individuals can support NEDA financially or contribute their time by volunteering, attending a walk, and/or spreading the word during NEDAwareness week. Now incorporating BEDA as well, NEDA will continue the important work of that organization. Although Binge Eating Disorder (BED) did not become an official diagnosis until 2013, BED is actually the most common eating disorder. Through outreach, education, and advocacy, BEDA made great strides to increase awareness, proper diagnosis, and treatment of BED. NEDA will now incorporate this mission as well and also continue to address weight stigma including sponsoring Weight Stigma Awareness Week, an annual online event in September to raise awareness of weight stigma. In the spring of 2008, at the age of 15, Rosenman and Saffran founded Project HEAL to raise money for others suffering from eating disorders who want to recover but are unable to afford treatment. Project HEAL currently has over 40 chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia. All chapters seek to promote the mission and values of Project HEAL, focusing their efforts primarily on raising funds for their treatment grant program. They also focus on local community education about the dangers of eating disorders and on the encouragement of the idea that full recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Project HEAL has recently launched a new peer support program called Communities of Healing, which includes one-on-one mentorship and a weekly support group led by peers in active recovery or recovered. Individuals can support Project Heal financially, get involved in a local chapter, or become a mentor. Around The Dinner Table is F.E.A.S.T.’s online support forum for parents of eating disorder patients from all around the world. It is moderated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. F.E.A.S.T also provides many excellent resources via its website including its well-written Family Guide series. They believe that empowered caregivers are essential to the recovery process. The organization has over 6,000 members on four continents and is run entirely by volunteers and supported through individual donations. Family members can make donations to support the work of F.E.A.S.T. or can volunteer their time in a myriad of ways. Founded in October 2000, the Alliance offers educational workshops and presentations, free support groups, advocacy for eating disorders and mental health legislation, a national toll-free phone help line, referrals, support, and mentoring services. The Alliance also produces a U.S. treatment referral guide and a ​new interactive referral site . The organization seeks volunteers to join committees, volunteer, and intern. They also accept donations and support for fundraisers. ANAD assists people struggling with eating disorders and also provides resources for families, schools, and the eating disorder community. In addition, ANAD provides a helpline and support services including mentors, grocery buddies, and support groups throughout the U.S. They have many rewarding and worthy volunteer opportunities and also accept donations. Twice per year, the EDC also sponsors National Lobby Days, bringing 50 to 100 advocates to lobby Congress in Washington D.C. EDC’s regular action alerts have encouraged thousands of constituents to contact members of congress about eating disorder policies. The EDC has impacted such legislation as:

Key provisions of the Anna Westin Act of 2015 were passed by Congress as part of the 21st Century Cures Act in December 2016. This bill was the first legislation that Congress had ever passed specifically to help people affected by eating disorders. The EDC also helped pass, and through their lobbying efforts strengthen, the provisions included in the Mental Health Parity Bill of 2008. EDC Board Member Kitty Westin testified at a congressional hearing and spoke at a press conference.

Individuals can get involved with the EDC by donating, personally advocating for eating disorders, and by attending a Lobby Day, which can be a very empowering experience. N.A.M.E.D. is the only organization in the United States exclusively dedicated to representing and providing support to males with eating disorders. They provide support for males affected by eating disorders, provide access to collective expertise, and promote the development of effective clinical intervention and research in this population. The N.A.M.E.D. website is also an excellent resource on male eating disorders. They accept financial donations and also provide opportunities for males with eating disorders to participate in research that is critical to a better understanding of male eating disorders. Uniting activists across the globe, the aim is to expand global awareness of eating disorders as genetically linked, treatable illnesses that can affect anyone. Individuals can get involved in World Eating Disorders Action Day virtually and locally to help spread the word. The Butterfly Foundation in Australia provides education, treatment, support groups, and a national phone helpline. Individuals can both donate to and volunteer with them.​ The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a Canadian non-profit providing resources on eating disorders and weight preoccupation. They operate a toll-free helpline, have a national directory of treatment providers, and provide education and awareness about eating disorders. They have opportunities for volunteers and also accept donations. You are encouraged to do your own research on the aforementioned organizations or other associations and find the charity and/or activity that is significant to you. You may strengthen your own recovery and develop strong connections to other advocates in the process.