Friday Fix: Episode 107

There are many undisputed benefits of being a positive, optimistic person. And if you aren’t naturally a positive person, you can learn to become one.  Part of being a positive person might involve looking for the silver lining even in hardship. Perhaps you can even recognize times in your life when you were able to see how something good came out of something really bad. Like maybe a breakup allowed you to meet someone better. Or perhaps a job loss helped you discover an inner strength that you never even knew existed. You’ve likely also encountered people who encourage you to look on the bright side. For example, maybe your mom reminds you that “Something better will come along” when you don’t get hired. Or maybe your friend says, “Well, at least he’s in a better place,” when your dog dies.  I reveal what the research says about looking on the bright side and how doing so might affect your mental health and your physical health.

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