The answer to this question depends on several factors. The biggest cause of ADHD is genes, which means that ADHD does run in families. Even if no one in your extended family has officially been diagnosed with ADHD, you might notice family members with characteristics and traits that resemble ADHD. Despite this strong genetic link, if you have ADHD, it doesn’t automatically mean your child will, too. This is because it is a combination of genes and environmental factors that determine whether a child develops ADHD. They can inherit ADHD genes without them being activated. While you might feel powerless over your genes, there are still some things that you can do to help your child, including watching for early signs and acting as a role model. This article discusses proactive approaches you can take to help your child if they inherit ADHD.

Be Observant

If your child starts to display signs or symptoms of ADHD, seek professional help. Getting an early diagnosis and the appropriate treatment will be invaluable to your child; it will help minimize their struggles and aid their success. It is also important to tell your child’s pediatrician that there is a family history of ADHD.

Be Aware of Differences

If your child does inherit ADHD, it might manifest in a very different way from your ADHD. For example, if you have hyperactive-impulsive ADHD and your child has inattentive ADHD, your behavior and challenges will be different even though you both have ADHD.  Also, ADHD often looks different depending on the sex of your child. If your son has hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, they could be very physically active, while your daughter might be hyper-talkative and verbally impulsive. Finally, even if you are of the same sex as your child and have the same ADHD presentations, you can still have different ADHD behaviors and challenges. However, knowing that these differences exist can increase your awareness and help you detect ADHD symptoms in your child early.

Be a Role Model

Your relationship with ADHD affects how your child deals with their diagnosis. Try to speak about it neutrally, rather than something that is “horrible” and that you wish you didn’t have. In addition, if you are actively treating and managing your ADHD symptoms, then it will help your child do the same. If you learn and implement ADHD-friendly life skills and seek appropriate medical assistance, your child will too. Children like to fit in. If they are the only child at school with ADHD, it can make them feel isolated and lonely. Knowing that you have ADHD and are doing well gives them a morale boost and makes them feel less alone.

Ditch the Guilt

People with ADHD are experts at feeling guilt and shame for all sorts of things, from constantly being late to forgetting important tasks at work. However, don’t feel guilty that your child has ADHD. Just like the color of their eyes, you have no control over which genes they inherited. Sharing this condition can also help your child feel closer to you. Because you can relate to their symptoms and struggles, they may feel a closer bond that they might not share with a parent who does not have ADHD.

Be Positive

More is known about ADHD than ever before. This means it is easier for ADHD to be detected, and the appropriate help is more readily available from the medical community and at school. In addition, your child has a supportive parent who understands their struggles. It’s also helpful to reframe how you view ADHD. For example, instead of framing the symptoms of the condition as “deficits,” try thinking of them as differences. When you look at ADHD like this, you realize your child’s brain might work differently than some people, yet different doesn’t need to be a bad thing.

A Word From Verywell

ADHD does have a strong genetic component, but that does not mean that your child will necessarily inherit the condition. In addition to the impact of environmental interactions, it is also important to remember that there are many treatment options available that can help your child effectively cope with the condition if they do develop it.  As someone who understands what it is like to live with the condition, you are uniquely positioned to help them. Be a positive force in your child’s life, remember to focus on their strengths, and watch for symptoms so that you can work with your child’s doctor to find the best possible treatment.