Friday Fix: Episode 126

Maybe you find yourself doubting whether you are actually good enough for someone you’re dating. Or maybe you second guess whether you’re able to fulfill your role at work. Self-doubt can creep in at any time about all sorts of things. And most of us aren’t sure how to deal with those nagging thoughts. Sometimes we run those thoughts by a friend or family member in hopes they’ll give us some reassurance. At other times, we believe our doubts and don’t give ourselves a fair chance. Fortunately, though, you don’t have to let self-doubt get in your way. And you don’t need to wait until you eliminate it to do your best. You can embrace it and manage it in a way that turns self-doubt into an advantage. On today’s Friday Fix, I share the strategies you can use to deal with self-doubt. So whether you’re doubting your attractiveness or you’re doubting your ability to be good at your job, here are some surefire strategies that can help. 

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