Deciding that you want to have couple friends is only the first step, however. The next step is finding them. While individual friends are easy enough to find, couple friends can be a little more difficult. This is because you not only have to find someone that you get along with, but you also have to find someone that your partner gets along with. That being said, having couple friends can be a rewarding and fun experience. If it doesn’t happen for you right away, don’t worry! Keep trying and eventually, you’ll find the perfect fit.

Why Is it So Hard to Find Couple Friends?

It can be tough to find other couples to befriend because everyone is different. You and your partner may have different interests, backgrounds, or lifestyles. And it can be difficult to find time to socialize when you both have busy lives. If you’re having trouble making couple friends, check if it might be for one of these reasons:

Where Do Couples Meet New Friends?

Couples meet new friends in a variety of ways. Whether you meet new couple friends online, through mutual friends, or at local events, there are plenty of ways to connect with other couples. Here are some of the most common:

How to Make New Couple Friends

Now that you know where to find other couples, how can you make friends with them? It’s not enough to show up and hope that you click. You need to put in some effort to get to know them and build a relationship. Here are a few tips:

How to Make Friends as a Couple in a New City

Moving to a new city can be exciting, but it can also be daunting. It can be difficult to make friends in a new place, especially if you don’t know anyone. But there are a few things you can do to ease the transition and make new friends:

Do Married Couples Need Friends?

Research has shown that the quality and intensity of friendships outside of an individual’s immediate family are positively associated with life satisfaction. Friends can provide emotional support, a listening ear, and a different perspective on problems. They can also help keep marriages healthy by providing social and recreational activities that couples can enjoy together.

Is It Bad If a Married Couple Has No Couple Friends?

If you and your partner don’t have any couple friends, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that you’ll need to find other ways to connect with each other and spend time together. There are plenty of activities that you can do as a couple, even if you don’t have any friends in common. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you and your partner have a strong relationship with each other.

What If My Partner Doesn’t Want to Make New Friends?

If your partner is resistant to the idea of making new friends, try to find out why. They may be shy or introverted, or they may simply not know how to go about it. Talk about your own reasons for wanting to make friends, and see if you can come up with a plan that works for both of you. You may need to be patient and take things slowly. But if you’re both committed to the idea, it’s definitely possible to make new friends as a couple.

A Word From Verywell

Making friends as a couple can be a great way to connect with other couples and expand your social circles. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need friends to have a happy marriage. If you and your partner are content spending time alone together, that’s perfectly fine. The most important thing is that you have a strong relationship with each other.