Friday Fix: Episode 225

It’s been a great year hosting The Verywell Mind Podcast. We’ve talked to so many mentally strong people who’ve been brave enough and kind enough to share their strategies for staying mentally strong. One of the best parts of being the host of a podcast is hearing from the audience. I’ve heard from many listeners who have shared the steps they’re taking to build mental strength.  In fact, your input shapes a lot of the show in terms of what we talk about and who our guests are in each episode. In today’s episode, I count down the top 10 episodes of the year and give some insights into what I think our most popular episodes reveal about how we’re all doing right now.

The Top 10 episodes of 2022

#10: How to Stop Self-Destructive Behavior With Actor Ethan Suplee #9: Friday Fix: How to Journal to Build Mental Strength #8: Monsters and How to Tame Them With Actor/Comedian Kevin Hart #7: The Power of Regret With Bestselling Author Daniel Pink #6: The Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary With Harvard Professor Ronald Siegel #5: Friday Fix: 7 Reasons You Let People Mistreat You #4: Friday Fix: How to Look for the Good in Life #3: Friday Fix: 5 Boundary Mistakes to Avoid #2: Friday Fix: What to Do When You’re Emotionally Exhausted #1: Break Free From Shame With Actor/TV Host Terry Crews

More About the Podcast

The Verywell Mind Podcast is available across all streaming platforms. If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Reviews and ratings are a great way to encourage other people to listen and help them prioritize their mental health too. If You Liked This Episode You Might Also Like These Episodes: For media or public speaking inquiries, contact Amy here.

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