But, without a clear timeline or short-term objectives, those goals often fall down on our list of priorities, and we never find time to work on them. That’s why New Year’s resolutions rarely work. We overestimate how much time we’ll have to work on our goals and underestimate how much work it’s actually going to take.  It’s easy to push off a goal until later when you think you have a whole year to work on it. And it’s tempting to convince yourself that you can take the day off when you think one day doesn’t really matter.  Soon, you might realize how much every day counts as you have limited time to reach your goal. That’s why I have found 30-day challenges helpful in my life. Sometimes, they motivate me to create change. At other times, they provide me with information. I treat them as a behavioral experiment that I test for 30 days. When they’re over, I can decide if I want to continue with the changes I made. On this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, I share how to create your own 30-day challenge. I also explain why they work so well and provide examples of challenges that might inspire you to create your own.

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