
Your genetics may play a role in determining whether or not you will develop GAD. As with many other mental and medical health conditions, a person can be genetically predisposed to developing certain symptoms. This is the same with generalized anxiety disorder. Technological and methodological advances have allowed researchers to examine the role genes play in the development of GAD in more detail, but the research is still in preliminary stages. Despite this, it has significant implications for anyone who faces anxiety disorders. We know, for example, that a person can have a genetic vulnerability to developing GAD if certain genetic markers have been passed onto them. Vulnerability, in combination with certain environmental factors, can trigger the development of symptoms. First degree relatives would include family members most closely related to you, such as a parent, sibling, or child. Finally, women are more prone to anxiety disorders in general. In fact, statistics from the ADAA show that women are actually twice as likely to be impacted by a generalized anxiety disorder. Although the condition typically begins around 30 years old, many of those who are diagnosed are found to have been struggling with symptoms for years before seeing a professional and being properly diagnosed. GAD comes on gradually, with the greatest risk between childhood and middle age.

Brain Structure

The limbic system is a collection of brain structures that, among other functions, is involved in the regulation of many of our basic emotional reactions. Although it can be under the control of the “thinking” part of the brain, it can respond to stimuli on its own as well.

The Amygdala

The amygdala, in particular, is the part of the limbic system involved in the automatic fear response, as well as in the integration of memory and emotion. Although a lot of research on amygdala function has been focused on anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), there are some patterns of brain structure and function that have presented in research as consistent for patients with GAD. Understanding that the amygdala is an important player in people’s ability to discern and feel fear, it may not be a surprise that imaging studies of people diagnosed with GAD show elevated amygdala activity during the processing of negative emotions. It is this heightened activity within the amygdala that researchers believe might influence the inaccurate interpretations of social behavior for patients with GAD.

Gray Matter

The volume of gray matter is another factor that has been researched in relation to GAD and other anxiety and mood disorders. An increased volume of gray matter at certain locations in the brain has been repeatedly found in people with GAD compared to controls. One area of the brain that consistently shows an increased volume of gray matter in patients with GAD is called the right putamen. In other words, the greater the report of childhood maltreatment, the greater the likelihood of increased volume of gray matter in that area of their brain.

Life Experiences

Although genetic and biologic factors clearly contribute to the development of GAD, a greater percentage of the risk for GAD lies in complex psychological, environmental, and social factors.

Experiencing Trauma

Mental health researchers have found that trauma in childhood can increase a person’s risk of developing GAD. Difficult experiences such as physical and mental abuse, neglect, the death of a loved one, abandonment, divorce, or isolation can all be contributing factors. When a person has gone through particularly hard experiences that leave them feeling uncertain, humiliated, or apprehensive to trust others, it is understandable that they may become anxious in a variety of situations in the future. Interestingly, research has shown that life events that result in specific feelings of loss, humiliation, entrapment, and danger are reliable predictors of the development and onset of generalized anxiety disorder. It is important for medical and mental health practitioners to gather family and social history as this is information that can help lead to an accurate diagnosis.

Learned Behavior

Some behavioral scientists believe that anxiety is a learned behavior, suggesting that if a person has a parent or caregiver who demonstrates anxious behavior, they may tend to mirror that same anxious behavior. Children learn from caregivers and other important people close to them how to handle challenging, stressful situations. When they model less effective methods of stressful management, children tend to do the same. These early social learning experiences can influence the development of long-lasting anxiety.

Societal Factors

Of people who are on social media, it has been shown that approximately 30% are plugged into social media for 15 hours or more per week. Researchers are finding that the use of social media, particularly in excess, can greatly impact mental health, sometimes resulting in anxiety and depression. People with GAD are less effective in accurately interpreting social cues and interactions, leaving them to potentially feel a heightened sense of danger or rejection, even when there is no observable threat present. Interactions through social media can be interpreted in these same inaccurate ways, possibly even more so when we are, at times, missing essential non-verbal cues in communication such as facial expressions, body language, and tone potentially exacerbating GAD.

Lifestyle Factors

Additionally, lifestyle factors like the substances we use and our relationships can increase the risk of experiencing anxiety.


Using everyday addictive substances like caffeine can heighten feelings of worry or nervousness, contributing to the development of anxiety. Our culture tends to ask more and more of us, pushing us to perform, and leaving us to fear feeling left behind, socially, financially, physically, or otherwise. Relying on caffeine sources such as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks can cause some people to feel restless and anxious, especially when used in large quantities.


Relationships can be a source of great comfort, but also pain. Relationships can be a significant source of anxiety for women, in particular. Research has shown that two factors contributing to anxiety, specifically related to women, were being afraid of and/or humiliated by a current partner or ex-partner. Dangerous and fearful experiences within intimate relationships can also influence the development of anxiety.

Job Stress

Work can be a great source of stress and become a trigger in the development of anxiety. Some employers expect extraordinarily high levels of performance and productivity that can threaten a person’s sense of employment security. When looking for work, you may find yourself competing with many others who are highly qualified and experienced, causing stress related to the ability to provide for ourselves and your family. Career and work-related stress, particularly the loss of a job, can be a significant source of heightened anxiety. For example, some people discover they have GAD while going through a challenging life transition such as divorce or loss of a loved one. Subscribe Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

A Word From Verywell

Not all GAD risk factors are in your control, but many are modifiable and manageable. There are effective strategies for coping with trauma and stress. If you think you are at risk or think you have GAD, take a step forward, and reach out for assistance. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.