What ‘Going on a Bender’ Means

An alcoholic bender does not refer to one evening of intoxication. Instead, it refers to a drinking spree that is extended over at least two nights. Some definitions insist that in order to be a true bender, the drinking spree has to last at least three days. Why three days? Because a weekend is two days and there are many drinkers who drink all weekend. Going that third day, and possibly missing work or school, makes the drinking spree a self-destructive bender rather than just another lost weekend.

Why Do They Call It a Bender?

The origin of the term “bender” meaning an extended bout of drinking alcohol is not certain. It appears to have been first mentioned in the mid-1800s. Some think that the meaning of bender came about as a reference to the act of bending one’s elbow to take a drink. Others believe it is associated with the phrase “getting bent out of shape.”

Binge Drinking vs. Bender

Sometimes the term “binge drinking” is confused with “bender.” Some people believe that warnings against binge drinking are also warning against going on a multiple-day bout of intoxication, but that is not what binge drinking is at all. Binge drinking is drinking five or more drinks in any one drinking session for men, or four or more drinks a day for women. Harmful drinking can occur long before it reaches the level of a bender. While going on a bender might be considered self-destructive behavior, drinking five beers or a bottle of wine in one day is considered hazardous drinking.

What Happens to Your Body During a Bender

Whether you are bingeing or going on a bender, you are risking your life and health. Both are destructive and unhealthy. Drinking for three days takes a toll on your brain and body, including inflammation, nausea, racing heart, and severe hangover symptoms. Researchers attribute these effects to excess acetaldehyde (one of the byproducts your liver pumps out after breaking down alcohol) that travels through your blood to your brain, heart, and stomach when drinking heavily. When you go on a bender, you are not giving your liver any time to recover. You are also putting yourself at risk of many serious health concerns, including:

Nutritional deficiencies Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance Gastrointestinal issues Low blood sugar Sleep disturbances Blackouts Heart disease Liver disease Stroke Alcohol use disorder Alcohol withdrawal Acute alcohol poisoning

When to Get Help

If your continuous drinking or drugging session goes bad, you may end up committing or being the victim of assault, destroying property, or wake up in jail, perhaps with little memory of what transpired.

ConfusionVomitingRepeated loss of consciousnessSeizuresSlow heart rateNo gag reflex (which prevents choking when vomiting)Extremely low body temperature or clammy or blue-tinged skinSlow or irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between any two breaths)Vomiting while passed out without waking up during or after vomiting

A three-day bender that results in missing work or shirking other duties can be especially destructive to your reputation. It may be a wake-up call to others that you have a drinking problem and may soon be hitting bottom. Frequent benders may be a sign of an alcohol use disorder. If you habitually drink in excess for consecutive days, you may want to take an online quiz to see if your drinking has reached the level of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. If you find that you have developed a problem with alcohol, help is available. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Reaching out to a trusted family member or friend or healthcare provider is a great first step on the road to recovery. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.