It is a very uncertain time in many of our lives. We get it and are right here with you. We know the developing information about coronavirus (COVID-19) can feel overwhelming, especially as you deal with the new realities of social distancing.  With more time away from work, school, and regular routines, and less time spent bonding in person with family and friends, you may also be feeling anxious or lonely as a result. You’re not alone. Here at Verywell Mind, our mission is always to help you prioritize your mental health and find balance. This challenging pandemic does not change that. Below, our editors compiled the most relevant and useful articles that offer practical advice—to hopefully make you feel calmer, not more chaotic. In these articles, written and reviewed by our team of mental health experts, you can learn more about the details of social distancing, how to cope from a mental health perspective, and ideas for activities you can do at home to feel less isolated.  As you know, everything is changing so quickly, but we promise to keep sharing positive ways to take care of yourself—physically, emotionally, and mentally—during this time.  From all of us at Verywell Mind, we hope you and your loved ones stay safe, calm, and healthy.  We’re here for you, The Verywell Mind Editorial TeamRachel, Emily, Brynn, Nick, Laura, and Kate

Manage Your Mental Health

How to Cope With Anxiety About Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tips for Dealing With Loneliness During Coronavirus How to Protect Your Mental Health During Quarantine Transition From In-Person to Online Therapy During Coronavirus 21 Best Meditation Podcasts to Listen to Right Now 9 Best Online Therapy Programs How to Manage Financial Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Managing Eating Disorders During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Understanding Grief in the Age of Coronavirus Support for Mental Health and Addiction Issues During the COVID-19 Pandemic Managing Emotional Eating During Quarantine How Victims of Domestic Violence Can Stay Safe Is Watching the News Bad for Mental Health?

Stay Educated

The Importance of Social Distancing The Dos and Don’ts of Social Distancing How the Pandemic Affects Neurodivergent People How COVID Gets Into the Brain How to Spot (and Cope With) Alarmist Headlines

Care for Your Loved Ones

How to Date Remotely During the Coronavirus Pandemic Tips for Being a Good Quarantine Partner How to Support a Loved One Affected by Coronavirus How to Practice Empathy Right Now

The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page.