Because of these two issues, there are many misconceptions about BPD that exist. If you or someone you know has BPD, it’s important to understand the truth about the illness in order to begin recovery. Here we take a look at six facts behind common misconceptions about BPD. Having a diagnosis does not mean that you will forever experience the symptoms of BPD. Hard work and effective treatment, such as psychotherapy, can greatly reduce the severity of BPD symptoms and may help you live a normal life. Even without treatment, the symptoms of the disorder will ebb and flow over time; some people with BPD are able to function at a higher level than others, so recovery is different for each person. There is currently no known cause of BPD. The condition is generally believed by experts to be a result of a combination of biological and environmental factors, rather than linked to any one cause. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) lays out clear standards for a diagnosis for BPD. Caution must be used when giving any diagnosis, and this can be especially true for BPD as the symptoms can often mimic typical adolescent behavior. A professional therapist with experience with BPD can help distinguish the difference. Early diagnosis can be helpful in ensuring that an individual gets the intervention needed to begin recovery. Because even healthcare providers lack knowledge about BPD, people with BPD are often misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, adding to the confusion. It is also important to note that medications used to treat bipolar disorder often do not work for people with BPD, so a therapist with a background in BPD is essential to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. But how someone shows signs of BPD can differ. While women tend to exhibit symptoms like mood swings and feelings of emptiness, men tend towards behavioral impulsivity. According to the DSM-5, the standard for mental health care, certain criteria must be met for a BPD diagnosis. The criterium includes impairment in personality functioning and in interpersonal relationships. The way these impairments show themselves is different in every individual. In addition, not all people with BPD experience specific symptoms in the same way. One person’s difficulty with relationships may be different from yours. Each person experiences BPD in very different ways.