Studies show that communication and self-disclosure help build intimacy in marital relationships. In short, taking the time to chat with your spouse or loved one can make your bond stronger. One way to use this time effectively is by asking questions to build intimacy.

Questions to Build Intimacy

If you’re feeling distant from your partner or spouse, try asking questions that can help intimacy improve. Even if you’re not feeling distant, these are still good relationship-building questions that can make your partnership stronger. When going through these questions, take the time to express your feelings and talk about your answers. You may find that the frank discussions that result will help you and your partner grow closer and get to know each other even better. With that goal in mind, here are 40 questions for couples that can help build intimacy in your relationship:

A Word From Verywell

Make it a point to go through one or two of these questions for couples regularly to keep the lines of communication open and help build or rebuild the intimacy you desire. The answers to the questions aren’t really the point. What matters is the discussions that ensue and the time spent listening to and focusing on each other.