In general, the pains associated with nicotine withdrawal are short-lived. Be sure to check with your doctor if you are experiencing a physical reaction to smoking cessation that concerns you or if symptoms of nicotine withdrawal persist or worsen. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Consider making the first entry in your journal a list of the reasons you have to quit smoking. From the largest, most obvious reasons to the smallest, each and everyone counts. When we quit smoking, water eases some of the discomforts that often come with nicotine withdrawal:

Constipation Coughing Cravings to smoke Hunger/urge to eat

Water also helps flush residual nicotine out of the body, and by keeping yourself well-hydrated, you’ll feel better overall. That can only help as you make your way through the discomforts of nicotine withdrawal. Combat this by making it a point to eat food that gives your body the nutrition it needs. Adding a daily multi-vitamin during early smoking cessation is a good idea too. Pamper yourself with a few treats here and there, but don’t go overboard. Eating junk food will not erase the cravings that come with nicotine withdrawal, and the guilt might just put you at risk for relapse. Moderation is key. Think 80/20—80% healthy and 20% treats. This ratio should keep you fueled and satisfied during the discomforts of nicotine withdrawal. Exercise helps you control the mood swings and urges to smoke that are common during this time because it releases endorphins, the “feel good” hormone. If it’s been a while since you’ve worked up a sweat, check-in with your doctor to make sure there aren’t any limitations that would hinder a new exercise program for you. Start slow. If you haven’t been active recently, begin with a 10- or 15-minute walk a couple of times a day and work up from there. Be patient with yourself and don’t try to do too much too soon. Think of exercise as a tool, not a chore. It can help you beat back cravings to smoke and counteract the temporary weight gain that often comes with early smoking cessation. The reward doesn’t need to be big, but it should be something that helps you feel like you’ve pampered yourself a bit. A few ideas:

Do some gardeningEnlist someone else in the family to cook dinnerFind a quiet corner and time alone to read a good bookHead for the gymTake a hot bathTake a power nap

Think of your daily reward as an investment in your smoke-free future. When you take the time to relieve the stress of your day and recharge your batteries, you’re doing your best to ensure that you’ll be able to greet the next new day with strength and resolve. Deep breathing is a quick way to stop a negative mindset that is threatening to spin out of control. Use the tips in the articles below to help you develop a technique that you can employ at a moment’s notice. When cravings to smoke strike, you’ll want to act quickly. Our thoughts color our lives. If you find that yours are taking you places you’d rather not go, take charge and shift your focus with a little distraction. If you’re tired and can manage it during the day, take a power nap. Go to bed a little earlier than usual too, if you need to. Your body is working hard right now to overcome the effects of nicotine withdrawal, and some extra sleep will do you good. On the other hand, if you’re at the opposite end of the spectrum and find yourself unable to sleep because of nicotine withdrawal, use sleeping tips to help you catch a few zzzs. Friends and family are a part of that hopefully, but they may not understand the depth of what quitting smoking means to you, especially if they’ve never smoked. Your resolve will be bolstered more than you can imagine just by being around others who have the same goals you do.  Your power to affect change in your life always lies in the here and now, so focus your sights on today and resolve to make the most of it. You have the ability to stay smoke-free just for today, don’t you? That’s all you need to do. Baby steps. Healing from nicotine addiction is a process of gradual release that happens one day at a time. Be patient with yourself and allow recovery to unfold for you as it will. Enjoy the journey, and be sure to use the precious moments of today to the best of your ability.